8 bus mixer

Carter Simcoe

New member
Okay first of all I am not as inexperienced as this question is going to make me seem, I just do most of my work with the computer going straight to a Layla using rackmounted preamps -no mixer. I am looking into getting a mixer and what I need to know is what is a 8 bus mixer, what does it do, and why do I need one. God, I feel dumb.

I'm not an expert, but I do know that busses allow you to group channels for different purposes. For instance I have a 4 buss mixer and a 4 track input sound card. I assign whatever channels to each buss. And each buss is assigned to a track. Since I have 24 channels on the mixer I can divide it up into 6 channels to a track. If I had more busses and more tracks I could split it up more. You can divide it up in any way though. Good luck.