788 Question


New member

Did my first bit of recording last night on my new 788. I recorded lead vocal on one and cloned that to track two - Everything sounded fine until i listened to the mix with headphones on - track one seemed to have some rather nasty sounds on it - It sounded a bit like when a needle jumps accross a record. Has anyone come accross this. The strange thing was that I cloned 1 to 2 and 2 doesn't have this problem.
I've done that. It's on track one and not on any of the others - As im new to digital recording i wondered if it was clipping ( i heard that sounds horrible), Maybe it was something i did when recording - The thing is though that I cloned trk 1 to trk two and it's not happening on track two which made me think it was perhaps something more sinister than just how i recorded it.