7 String guitar tone hints please and thanx


New member
Hello all

Well I decided that i want to record the song My Acid Words by Nevermore. Great song, fun as hell to play on the 7 string. The current setup that i am using for my guitar is my 7 string into my POD XT Pro out to a Marshall power amp into a 4x12 Marshall stack. Using a Shure SM57 mic into a Art MPA Gold preamp and into finally into my Firepod.

I am actually quite happy with the tone that the Art MPA gave me. Huge difference from both straight digitial via S-PDIF and USB. Maybe no the most professional sound, but i only do this for fun. So what i am after is something to give it that "IN YOUR FACE" kinda sound. Hard to describe.....something to bring the guitars more up front. The tone is good, but they sit to far in the mix? Compressor? EQ? and if so what should i be tweaking?

I am very new at all this ( 7months to be exact ) so any tips or methods any of you have are well appriated and i will try all of them. Please view the song here http://www.soundclick.com/bands/pagemusic.cfm?bandID=608247

Its the most latest song M-A-W w/Art MPA Pre

Thanx all

ALSO.......if anyone feels the urge to lay down the solo for this song if you know it.....PLEASE DO lol. Drums will be recorded by myself shortly. Any takers? :):) Jeff Loomis is alright on the guitar i guess....:P
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Right now, that seems like a really good tone. And some good playing. It will be cool to see how it fits in the song.
The rythym guitar sounds really buzzy like a bee kinda. There is a constant high end sound that I would definetly cut. Hi cut that guitar! :)

can you be specific with the high cut? like a range that should try?

What about giving it that in your face kinda sound lol? more clarity is what i am going after i guess you could say.
It is hard to tell how much to cut. Just listen out for the buzzy high end sound and slowly sweep the hi cut further down the Hz until the buz disappears.
To get more in your face sound, you would want to cut a good bit of the lo mids. I would use a mildish Q and cut around the 200-300Hz range.

Hope this helps.
Maybe cut around 100hz or something. I do that with my Baritone tuned to A. It helps make it less muddy sounding. I also do a cut around 800hz which seems to help it to. Not much boosting, but a tad a 3khz, but it doesn't sound like yours needs it. Actually you don't really need the cut a 800hz either. Probably the 100hz cut would help. The bass does work down in that frequency anyway.