64 bit drivers


New member
Does anybody know when or if Alesis is going to update their drivers for 64 bit operating systems? I Bought a new computer with Vita 64 bit now my io26 doesent work. Thanks
yeah i just got email back today. Heres what they said.


At this time none of our products are officially supported under 64-Bit
versions of Windows. On a PC, you'll need to use a 32-Bit installation of
XP or Vista in order to use the product.

While 64-Bit drivers are something that is being looked into, no estimates
or ETA can be given regarding future availability.

Your request is important to us, and I have logged your comments as an
official feature request. These requests are delivered weekly to our
development team.

With the release of any new operating system, it's important to carefully
check OS compatibility when you're shopping for software and hardware. Just
as was the case when XP came out, and when Vista came out, unless
specifically listed as compatible with 64-Bit Windows, it's important to
assume that a product is not compatible. Just as the stickers which read
"Made For Windows" a year ago referred to XP, and couldn't be used to assume
Vista compatibility when that OS came out; specs which read "Vista
Compatible" refer to 32-Bit Windows, and can't be used to assume 64-Bit

64-Bit Windows has built-in backwards-compatibility for 32-bit software.
However, this is done via emulation which is inefficient and slow. This
means that software specifically written for 32-Bit systems should work, but
it will run slower.

Hardware, on the other hand is another story all together. An entirely new
development process is required. At this time, most computer hardware
devices that use their own drivers (required for most professional audio
devices), as opposed to generic Windows drivers are not compatible with
64-Bit Windows.

From my personal opinion, I think that one reason that hardware support for
64-Bit has been slow to catch on is that the advantages which are offered by
the 64-Bit OS (i.e. being able to handle very large amounts of RAM), aren't
taken advantage of or needed at the moment by most industries' software.
While the gaming industry certainly loves the ability to use virtually
unlimited amounts of RAM, the software used by most other industries
currently isn't designed (at a core level) to take advantage of these
improvements. At this point, 64-Bit OS'es are sold more because Microsoft
wants us to buy something new, and less because we (consumers or industries)
'need it'. I understand this perspective doesn't help your particular
situation, but I included it in hopes that it helps give you a background as
to why some industries have been slow to develop new drivers for the 64-Bit
windows platform.

Thank you,

Best Regards,
alesis' lack of enthusiasm

I have to say that Alesis' response to providing 64-bit drivers is less than lackluster. They seem to be saying it's not going to happen in our lifetimes! So many systems are being sold with 64-bit versions that it's almost unavoidable. I didn't necessarily want a 64-bit system but that's what the system I needed had installed on it.

And since most of the DAWs are essentially bragging about having 64-bit versions, I would expect hardware companies like Alesis to be stumbling over one another to support them. It just doesn't make any sense. I think Alesis' mindset here is faulty.

I don't have any idea what kind of financial resources are required to create 64-bit drivers but I do know that my $900 MasterControl is being reboxed and sent back. Without the driver, it's just an expensive paperweight. I wonder how often that has happened, or how many sales they have lost due to this issue. Surely they could recoup the investment in development. Or perhaps MY mindset is faulty! :confused:
Alesis 64 Bit Drivers - Very Disapointed

Here is an email I sent to Alesis and The respose I recieved from them about 64 bit drivers.

I was wondering. How is the 64 bit driver is comming for the Multimix 16
Firewire? Or for any of your products old or new? All your old and new
products say "(32 bit only. 64 bit drivers are not yet available)". "yet"
Which leads me to believe they are on thier way? If Alesis is never planning
on supporting 64 bit you need to make this clear on all product details.
Most all your competitors are writing 64 bit drivers. DAW programs like
Cubase are memory hogs and as you already know 64 bit OS supports memory
ranges above 3 gig. Cubase has a 64 bit version of the program that works
Please do a google search on "Alesis Multimix 64 Bit driver". You can read
thousands of your customers complaining about how they need a 64 bit driver.

If you have the funds to develop new products then you have the funds to
develop the 64 bit driver. After all you designed the product. It shouldn't
be that hard. ffado linux reversed engineered a driver for the multimix 16
firewire with no support from Alesis. The driver will be released to the
linux community whithin the next few months. Advanced users can install the
driver from source code and use it now. Check it out.
"http://subversion.ffado.org/timeline" an scroll down to 02/11/09.
If your developing a driver ignore my complaints. If not pease be honest
with me and your customers as not to mislead them into purchasing a product
they believe will will have 64 bit windows support.
I hope you understand my frustration. I have been waiting for over two
years for this driver.
Great product, and at the moment limited driver support.


Hello Mike,

At this time there are no immediate plans to develop 64 bit drivers. Windows
64 bit is a specialty OS and presents challenges to developers as Microsoft
requires all drivers to be 'signed' by them to work on a 64 bit OS, costing
much with no guarantee they will be approved. It's really important to be
careful when updating a computer's OS. New versions of operating systems
often lead to compatibility issues. If you use any type of third party
computer software or peripherals (which we all do), always make sure that
you verify that the software is compatible with the new operating system
before upgrading.
Really the only advantage of using a 64 bit system is to be able to use more
than 4gb of memory. Multitrack recording programs on a 32 bit OS has a track
record of recording perfectly for years with even 2gb of memory installed.
Plus most recording situations will not need to use that much, unless you
are doing intensive video editing. The best alternative at this time is to
install a 32 bit Windows OS in order to use this product.

Best Regards,
Justin Baro

Technical Support
Numark/Alesis/Akai Pro/Ion Audio
200 Scenic View Drive
Cumberland, RI 02864

Here is a link to recordingreview.com forums that talks about this topic. You have to register to see the posts. :(


I always considered Alesis a company that was on the cutting edge of music technology. Alesis's take on 64 bit operating systems is unacceptable. I am in the same situation. I just ordered a new system based on the I7 processor and plan on running Windows 7 x64 version with 12 gigs of ram. I decided to get ready and get all needed drivers ahead of time instead of scrambling during installation as I had done in the past.

From all my searching I see I am screwed when it comes to running my Alesis MultiMix 16 USB. With more and more music software supporting 64 bit operating systems, it amazes me that Alesis is so far behind. I will really be pissed if I can't use my new system the way I intended. I have been purchasing Alesis equipment since the 80's (my dusty Quadraverb and HR-16 are proof). To say I am angry and disappointed is an understatement.

64 Bit beta drivers available for Alesis MultiMix USB 2.0

Hi everyone,

I was directed to this thread by a customer, and wanted to post updated news on 64-Bit Vista support.

64-Bit Compatible drivers for our USB 2.0 series mixers are in late testing stages now. When this testing is complete, these will be posted to the MultiMix 8 USB 2.0 and MultiMix 16 2.0 product pages on alesis.com.

In the mean time, our TechSupport is able to distribute these drivers to individual customers for personal use (i.e. you agree not to post or distribute them yourself).

In our experience, the drivers are very stable, and we've received no reports back from customers of issues (don't forget to contact us with your feedback!).

You can reach our Alesis TechSupport team here:

Hours of operation 8:30am-4:30pm Mo-Fr Eastern Standard Time

Telephone: 401.658.5760 x1409
Email: support@alesis.com

As always, for the latest, most up-to-date information, please visit www.alesis.com or contact us directly!
64-Bit Compatible drivers for our USB 2.0 series mixers are in late testing stages now. When this testing is complete, these will be posted to the MultiMix 8 USB 2.0 and MultiMix 16 2.0 product pages on alesis.com.

Any news on MultiMix Firewire?

Just wait until you try to get your vst plugs to work :mad:

I had exactly the same experience with Waves and Sonnox but bit bridged my way around it but still a pain and surprising since Mac has been 64bit for some time and is supported so why won't they introduce windows 64 versions

It's a conspiricy I tell ya
64-Bit Compatible drivers for our USB 2.0 series mixers are in late testing stages now. When this testing is complete, these will be posted to the MultiMix 8 USB 2.0 and MultiMix 16 2.0 product pages on alesis.com.

In the mean time, our TechSupport is able to distribute these drivers to individual customers for personal use (i.e. you agree not to post or distribute them yourself).

This is great news. I just bought a MultiMix 8 USB 2.0 and was disappointed to find there was no 64-bit support. It puts a real kabash on my plans lol

I e-mailed Alesis about it so hopefully I get the beta drivers soon!
FYI, today Alesis e-mailed me back about the lack of 64-bit drivers. Initially they told me the equipment wasn't compatible with 64-bit, but after I showed them this thread they replied quickly with the drivers.

They didn't ask me about agreeing to anything and they didn't tell me the drivers were in beta so I'm guessing the version they sent me is final. Then again assuming is bad. Either way, the most important thing of course is that they work fine for me :)

Alesis Does Support 64 Bit XP and Vista as of now!!!!!!!!!
Goto alesis.com and download the new driver. It works perfectly on my Vista 64 Bit machine. I have a 64 bit version of Cubase 5 installed and it's awesome. I have an Alesis Multimix Firewire16. Spread the word to any forums you know of.
Alesis emailed me the x64 usb drivers version 2.8.17 and with a little treaking they seem to run well in Windows 7 x64. Things got better when I set the latency to 1024 samples - 24.2ms / 99.7ms. Other settings were giving me erratic results. I am finally able to use my MultiMix16 USB2 as intended (with Cakewalk in 64 bit mode). I am a happy camper :)
Anybody have any luck with Alesis MultiMix8 firewire on Windows 7 64 bit? Mine freezes up as soon as I try to change the settings to the Alesis ASIO drivers in Magix Samplitude Music Studio 15. It work with Vista 64 bit, but the whole computer was slow and I have already ordered the Windows 7 due in October, so I am just trying to get it to work before I install the final version. (To make sure I want it on this computer.)

I am running a Dell Studio XPS 435 Desktop: Intel Core i7-920 Processor (8MB L3 Cache, 1MB L2 Cache, 2.66GHz) with 6 GB ram and 2- 640GB HDDs.

FYI, today Alesis e-mailed me back about the lack of 64-bit drivers. Initially they told me the equipment wasn't compatible with 64-bit, but after I showed them this thread they replied quickly with the drivers.

They didn't ask me about agreeing to anything and they didn't tell me the drivers were in beta so I'm guessing the version they sent me is final. Then again assuming is bad. Either way, the most important thing of course is that they work fine for me :)


Hi, i'm new on this forum, I don't speak english very well cause i'm from Argentina and the only reason why i'm here is for the same problem with Alesis Drivers Multimix 8 USB for Vista 64. I'm tired and it is not my job to look for those drivers as a detective.

I read they gave you the solution Tunnleram, i sent an email recently but i'm afraid of their answer. I'd been looking for the drivers on Alesis.com but I didn't find them. Could you put the link where a can download them please?

To Alesis, if they follow this thread, you should be prepare for the upcoming technology and don't put your costumers on this situation. Either way, i told then about this by email.


Hello, I am new here. Thought I would drop in my tale of woe over 64 bits.
I bought the Multi-mix 8 last spring because of the firewire option, to finally break that two channel/track limit, and after so many months if not years of looking and wanting one and saving up I finally got mine, only to find out my computer couldn't run it, it was just too slow, it needs a 2.5 GHz CPU minimum to run the Firewire connection which I found out after the fact, so I bought a new computer, mainly because the old one also quit working in July. And I got the new 64 bit system, 2.8 GHz dual core 6 gigs of RAM etc. etc. with Vista, was a great package deal with a 23" monitor on sale for $559. Only to find even more problems because of the driver issues.
While Alesis has written a 64 bit driver, a Beta version, it doesn't work on mine, and after weeks of seeking and an hour on the phone with Alesis, the guy was really trying to help me, his final solution was to install Win 7, that was back in early September, so I waited 6 more weeks for the October 22nd release of my free upgrade to Win 7 and on Nov 2 I am still waiting. I have not been able to do a single thing for months now. I can't even go back to the old USB connection, from a different company, because it's 32 bit and they have no intention of creating a 64 bit driver, ever, they claim it's too expensive to pay M$ for a license. And they also are betting it all on Win 7 containing the fixes.
I have to say that I am oh so disappointed in so many companies right now. But without the upgrade to Win 7 I can't complain or comment or do anything further on this problem, I'm just stuck in limbo. And I'm not exactly worry free that Win 7 will be a real solution, it would be a company first if it did what they claim.
So in the meantime I'm seriously pondering a Linux solution, just waiting to get a new hard drive to run it on. Is anyone using that for an OS? I could use some advice in that area as well.
But if any of you have found Win 7 to be the solution for the 64 bit driver issues will you please post that, at least it will give me some hope.

I've just bought the usb1 version of the 8 channel mixer to find this Topic and support only for usb 2 devices under vista 64. PLEASE release 64 bit drivers for USB1..

Otherwise it looks like i've wasted my money..

Win 7 huge disappointment for 64 bit Alesis and Windows problem

After waiting months for Win 7, the supposed fix all for 64 bit driver woes and Alesis install problems, I'm in perhaps even worse shape now.
Yes I got the latest 64 bit drivers etc from Alesis, I ran through the install several different times, and each time I got the same results, when it gets to the must restart the computer part I get a mess of blotches on the screen, then the dreaded Blue Screen of Death, which passes by so fast you can't read what's on it, and then it will not restart until it deletes the installation. I really don't know who to be more disappointed in Alesis or Micro-soft or?. I've been trying since last spring to actually use the Firewire hook up in the Multimix 8, I even had to buy a new, much faster, computer. Spent all that money and I'm still dead in the water, nothing works or works together. The worst part is no one at any company, is offering real solutions, or any solutions, nor even responding to my many requests for help.
Right now I'm thinking BIGGER hammers and a HUGE Bon Fire. Then bringing the old reliable tape recorders out of storage, at least they work when you turn a knob or press a switch, they don't argue, don't need special anything, don't need no stinking driver,s or upgrades, or add-ons or anything else either, they just simply work without arguing.
Driver for Multimix 8 USB 2.0

Alesis emailed me the x64 usb drivers version 2.8.17 and with a little treaking they seem to run well in Windows 7 x64. Things got better when I set the latency to 1024 samples - 24.2ms / 99.7ms. Other settings were giving me erratic results. I am finally able to use my MultiMix16 USB2 as intended (with Cakewalk in 64 bit mode). I am a happy camper :)

Hi! I've read that you've got the 64 bit driver for the multimix usb 2.0! Unfortunately, I sent some emails to alesis and they didn't replyed to me with the driver! Could you please send them to me? me email is williamdcf@hotmail.com.

Thank you very much!


William Fernandes