62 jazzmaster vs. jazzmaster classic special. in a rut?


New member
hello all my buddies,

i want to upgrade my cheap squire jagmaster guitar for some serious business.
i love the j-master and jaguar style and body.
so i researched these two guits:
the american vintage for $1500 and...
the classic special for $850

huge difference in price. the vintage comes with a case that costs about $170. the classic special comes with a gig bag.

what warrants this huge price difference?
the specs look pretty much the same.
i figure i can make do with the $850 one.

here are the links.
let me know what you guys think
thanks a lot

Fender Classic Player Jazzmaster Special Electric Guitar (with Gig Bag)

Fender American Vintage 62 Jazzmaster Electric Guitar (with Case)
I wish I could help you. Sorry.

I'm posting just to say...Man I love those jazzmasters, if only I had the money.

I would save up for the American Vintage one personally. But that's just personal preference.

I've heard that there's nothing like the american made fenders. But that's all from hearing, no first hand experience. So make of that like you will.
It looks like the Fender Classic Player Jazzmaster is made in Mexico. I have 2 Fender Strats, a 74' made in America and an early 2000 made in Mexico, and I kind of prefer the Mexican one-though I did replace the pickups in it with GFS's. The 74' is ones of the 3 bolt neck one with a lot of poly finish on the maple fretboard. I'd go for the Classic and upgrade electronics if they need it for the price difference. Below is a link for the Classic Jazzmaster...

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cool guys

but from 850 to 1500 is pretty steep
i think i can handle having the $850 classic for now haha