$500 is burning a hole, Help


New member
I need some equipment help! I was about to spend about $500 on some new equipment but after being here a while figured out I didn't know what I was doing. So someone step up and tell me what to do.

I am a singer / songwriter and want to put some demos on cd to get to some folks. A pretty wide spectrum of music, from country to rock / pop.

Equipment owned:
Roland VS-840
Sony P-II 266, 6 gb, 64 mg ram, (see computer & soundcard forum for my sound card info) Maestro ?
Martin D3532 acoustic / electric
Fender Stratocaster
Crate GFX-65 Amp

Looking at:
Boss DR-5 - $240 used
Shure SM57 or 58, or Sennheiser E825 - $89 (stand package)

Now what else is mandatory? Audio Buddy? Preamp?
Help me out, Please!
are you wanting to record on the VS or the soundcard?...which soundcard do you have, btw..im not going hunt for it......
I am wanting to record on the VS and then send it to my computer to put on cd with my CD-RW.

I have a ESS Maestro - I ( I guess)
oh, i see...first off you want a decent soundcard...does the VS have S/PDIF or optical outs?......
first thing, a Delta Dio 2448 for $89 from Mars will get you from the VS to the computer with a straight digital transfers, so nothin funny will happen in between....

a Shure sm57 can mic an amp and be a decent vocal mic also....$79

If you really want a good vocal mic, a Marshall MXLv67 is really nice...I have one...they go for about $149.....

as far as preamps, the Audio Buddy is a nice little unit and will do a decent job....if this is serious demos that you want to emphasize vocals on, a Joe Meek VC3Q is a nice unit for $199 and has an onboard compressor, which i think is necessary to getting a standout vocal recording......

If the DR5 is necessary, you are leaving $260 budget for the rest....what exactly are you gonna use it for?...

you must have a mic and the soundcard......the VS has built in preamps that arent that great so Id look at that next.....

let this info soak in for awhile and let me know where you are headed.....
more ?

Would I be better off to use computer drum software (fruity loops?) and not the DR-5? I can use that $ to get a better sound card and then send it to the VS-840, or should I just ditch the 840 and get some studio software along with the soundcard?

does it sound like i'm a little confused with all this different technology?
Fruity loops is great....if you get the Pro version you can even do bass lines and synth stuff....some people dont like the idea of software based drum machines, some do.....it does free up some $$$$......

you dont seem too confused....keep thinking and dont spend $$$ until you have it figured out.....
Thanks for all your help Gidge. I appreciate your input.

I'm looking into the new soundcard and also considering the MXLv67. Will Abes still match Mars? Also have you seen the MXL 2001 special Abe's has with shock mount and condensor mic thrown in? Any insight on that one?

This computer based recording is starting to really interest me. I may be visiting eBay to sell this VS840 for some $ to put into it. My wife is kind of hinting at me building a studio in the attic so she can have my office for a formal dining rm. She may regret that.