4th thread at picking a kit


New member
Tell me which ones you like and yes my price has gone up (stuipid common sence and drummers :p )


Sonor (possibaly in rock size)


I also saw some tamas with 18 inch bass drums, but shyed away from them, I will be using this kit primerialy for recording in my shed at home. We will be playing anything from metal to jazz.


ps. Don't shoot me I'm just trying to get the most information before I decide.

Oh and there's no way I can try these strictly internet purchase
Great idea: Getting More Info :D

I'm fairly new at drumming but when I bought my kit awhile back I didn't shop the internet. Being a musician for mucho years, I knew enough to get my ass to a few music stores and see first hand what's up.

I compared practically every set for construction, size, materials and sound. I listened to a few opinions but I got mostly just preferences, no solid real reasons of which kit to go with, besides how would one know without playing a particular kit? They can all have problems :rolleyes:

Know what your budget is before you start! I see yours has changed already :eek:

Go with pad and pencil and create your price list. You'd be surprised how the prices fall when they see someone serious enough about buying to be writing things down, not to mention when you have it in black and white to compare right in front of you the bullshit don't fly too much.

Be careful because they are trying to make a buck off you and they'll all be short on details and you'll end up buying all kinds of extras. Don't be afraid to ask how much an extra tom will cost or cymbal or double pedal or whatever. Write it down, add it up. What extras does this kit come with? Details. right them down.

Once you have enough written down, then it's time to start negotiating because at this point you have the advantage. Your salesman will be getting brain dead from all the details he's keeping in his head but you'll be sharp with it right there in front of you. Watch, you'll even catch him trying to look at your pad to see what you have written down if you go back over something. RAZZLE AND DAZZLE HIM until you get the price you want.

If you are getting this kit for recording then get it used! Who cares what it looks like? The only thing that is important is how it functions and how it sounds in the end.

Don't discount the old favorites either, ludwig, gretch...etc., they have already proved their value.
It's highly unlikely that there'll be much difference between those kits.

They are all lower end "entry level" kits and are all Chinese made. Mapex and Sonor come out of the same factory, consequently, even though Drum Power don't say so in their eBay adverts, the Sonors will also be "Basswood", just like the Mapex and Premiers although the Premiers apparently have a slightly lighter shell which may or may not be a bad thing.

Any "significant" differences are likely to be more in the shell build quality (construction method/process) and bearing edge details and how the shells react to the mass of the specific hardware attached...........these are the things that are going to affect the sound and because no two bits of timber are identical there's no way to accurately predict just how they might sound.

Also, there's no guarantee how any kit will sound in your room, regardless of it's brand or price, etc., and ultimately, it's all down to personal preference.

Dwarf, no one else can make this decision for you, it's your's and your's alone to make.

I have a Tama rockstar and a Mapes M.
The mapex blows the tama away. Most people that play the mapex love the sound.

Keep in mind a good majority of the sound comes from the heads and tuning.
Check these out, I'm pretty sure they're better than what you're looking for and seems like they are in your price range.

I've chatted with a few that have bought them and they have "ALL" been very pleased.


Let us know!

Oh that's not fair the same kit goes in Australia for about 3 times that and that's with the exchange rate added. We pay around $3000au for that (last time I checked)

Rockstars have traditionally been made from lower end timber (from memory, forms of basswood) whereas the Mapex M's are Maple. Personally, I feel that Dwarf would be better off looking for a reasonable second hand kit with true Maple or maybe Birch shells.

BTW, while the initial sound is generated by the batter head, the shells play a major part in the quality of the sound.

Either go second hand if possible, great secondhand kits are old slingerlands. Those kits are great. Or get the Mapex.

Have you looked at gretch catalinas ? Those are really good low end kits. I have played them and like them very much.