44100 vs 48k - what's best?


New member

I'm just working out the best settings for my DAW projects.

I have decided to go 24bit, but need to know if there is any advantage in recording and working with 48k files before dithering down to 44.1k?

Any comments or opinions?


i've been using 44.1k simply cause i don't have to convert the sample rate when getting it to cd. going from 48 to 44.1 can cause some nasty side effects if you don't have the right software to convert. try it ous and see if you like it.

Dithering describes a technique for minimizing artifacts when a signal's bit depth is reduced, for example from 24 bits to 16 bits. It has nothing to do with sample rate conversion.

To answer your question: Unless you have a really great sample rate convertor, you will probably cause more problems than you solve by recording at 48kHz, if your target format is audio CD.

Thanks for your replies.

So basically, there is no founded reason for recording at 48k when it will be converted to 44.1k? I mean, all the integraty of the effects and mixing is down to the bit depth anyway, right?

The only advantage I can see is the lower latency level.

But as a point of interest, I have a UAD-1 dsp card. It runs at 48k, so I would assume that any audio that comes into it at a different sample rate would get converted to the cards frequency.
Would it be in my interest to have the projects sample rate match the dsp card?

Thanks - Midge
If you are using a dsp card and its sample rate is fixed at 48khz then you are probably better off recording at 48khz and downsampling your final 2 track mix with decent sample rate conversion software.
if i am mixing down via software (rendering), then i just do 44.1 to avoid having to resample. if my client prefers to mix down through my analog mixer, i record 48k .
If you are working with a Creative audio card (SBLive, Audigy, etc.) or a DAT that is set at 48K, stick with that rate until you go to finalize the file for CD (16bit/44.1kHz).

Otherwise, stick with 44.1 and don't put yourself in a position where one more thing can mess you up.

(I am a big supporter of the Keep It Simple Stupid principle!)