414mkII Questions.

Bored To Tears

New member
For my first post I would like to ask a few questions about my new 414MKII. I want to record an acoustic guitar for the basic rythem, and electric power chord rythem, an electric solo and a drum beat.
I have a mic and a mic cable so I will be micing the guitars and I guess I will mic the stereo for the drum beat. ( I have a Zoom RT123 Rythm trak, Can I somehow run that directly to the 414mkII???)what I want to know is on what tracks do I record each instrument? What do I record first? any and all help appreciated.

hey B to T,
I do this same stuff on a 424mkIII. It may not be the best way to some but it works for me. I record an acoustic track 1st on track 1.
I usually then do a bass line from the 123 on track 2. Then I overdub any other lead parts, and do drums last from the 123. sometimes I use the 123 for a click track when I do the acoustic just listening to the drums but not recording them for timing. And yes, the 123 can go direct to the recorder. You might try the electric guitar direct also. Try any and all different ways until you find the way that best suits your ears. It seems that most will say that the bass and drums should be tracked first which I have done using the acoustic track as a click track and then going back and doing a new acoustic track followed by the lead tracks. I find it works best for me if I do the acoustic track 1st. So try any and all ways to find the way it suits you and your playing.
Have fun,
Record the drums and guitar or bass at the same time. The 414 will record 4 tracks at once. A seperate track for each you can bounce down to one later then add the rest. If you record guitar then drums your playing will be off no matter how good you are.
