414 questions

Bored To Tears

New member
I got a 414mkII for christmas. It was used once and since then has been in the box on a shelf. The reason I havemt used it again is the fact that I am not sure how to "Mix down". I am guessing that I am in need of a seperate Cassette deck to do the mixing with. I have an Aiwa shelf system with auxilary input jacks. Will this work? I am wanting to use use this unit for a while but this has been keeping me from it. any help appreciated.
It should be easy if your Aiwa has RCA sockets on the input.
After you know what size the input sockets are, all you need are the
two cables to connect them. The manual for the 414 is well written,
so you may want to review it for more information.
If you have a CD burner in your computer, or a stand alone unit, your
mixed down "master" recording will be of a higher quality than cassette.
Another superior format to the Aiwa would be to use a Hi-Fi VCR to mix
down to, there is info on how to do that on the home page of this site.
That method would produce nearly the same results as a CD burner,
and some people like myself prefer analog sound generally anyway.
