4-track --> CD-R????


New member
I know this question doesn't fit this message board, but maybe you guys could answer this one anyway?...

I have a Tascam 4-track and want to mix down onto CD. I want to invest in a CD-R but I'm not sure what the best way to go is....

I've heard that getting the CD-R's for your computer require you to create a .wav file of the song and then put that file onto CD. Doesn't the process of putting the song in .wav format hurt the quality? Or does it depend what kind of soundcard you have?

What about the stand-alone CD-R components?

I was also looking at maybe getting the new Phillips shelf system with the CD-R built in. It says it records from any audio source. But do you think it has crappy analogue to digital converter?

Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks.
If you want to burn the CD from a computer CD-R, you will have to mix down to a wav file on the computer, then burn the CD. The wav format itself won't hurt the quality, but the quality of the soundcard will matter. I don't have a standalone CD recorder like the Phillips one you mentioned, but I've heard they do a good job although they can be expensive.

I would get the CD-R for the computer, and use the money saved from not paying more for the standalone recorder to upgrade the soundcard if necessary after trying it with your current soundcard. Honestly, if you are working with 4-track cassettes, the soundcard you have right now might be good enough. Of course, once you get the audio into the computer you have lots of options for working with the wav file. Such as editing, mastering, or making MP3s. That's my opinion anyway.

And yeah, this is the mic forum. No big deal long as you don't cross post the same thing everywhere, but you might get more responses in one of the other more closely related forums.

Thanks for the help!

Do you have any recommendations for soundcards?

Also, any recommendations for good external CD-R's? (I have a laptop)