4 inputs


New member
Hello all. I have just recently purchases a Delta 44 from my local SamAsh. I've been fiddling around with it but i can't seem to figure something out. When i go to record 2 tracks simultaneously using Cool Edit Pro (a guitar on input one - and a miced drum set on input 2), it will only record the device plugged into input 1. I think i know why it is doing this, but i don't know how to fix it. In CEP, in the device settings, when you go to assign the tracks to various inputs, it only shows input 1/2 and inpute 3/4 for the delta. I selected the 1/2 on both tracks because those were the 2 i was using. The only thing is is that both tracks record just the guitar. I guess what i'm trying to say is, how do you differentiate between input 1 and input 2? Since these make a stereo pair, do you have to pan something the one way, and the other track the other way - if so, what do i pan? Please advice. Thanks.

ok.. dont do it in the device settings...do it in multitrack mode.

you'll notice, in multitrack mode, there is a little red box with a '1' in it on each track. Click that and you can choose the stereo pair youd like to record from.. as well as assign LEFT, RIGHT or STEREO for the input.

thats the ticket.

thanks, but...

Thanks for the help. Now i can use all four inputs. Okay, another quickie - for miced stuff, should i use -10 db or +4 db. What about if you want to plug your amp directly into the soundcard? Would that be +4 or -10. Any help wouldbe appreciated.
Unless you know for a fact that you should be using +4... use -10. And whadda ya mean "hooking your amp directly to your soundcard??"

4 inputs means no waiting...

Yes, what Camn said, plugging amp into soundcard
doesnt make a whole lot of sense, and -10 is
the way to go for now. Cheers David
As you see by the number of posts i've made, i'm really new at this and don't have the money to get any mic preamps. So instead, I'm experimenting with connecting the line output to my amp to the sound card because this is the only other way to do it without a mic preamp. I do have a PA mixer which i use for micing the drums. If you think micing the amp would sound better using the pa then to run the amp directly into the soundcard, please advise.

Micing the amp would almost certainly (with some effort, getting the position right and such) sound far better than using the amp's line out. But try it and see. Hell, try both onto separate tracks and try blending them. It's probably an unbalanced line out.
Thanks for the input. I tried the experiment and I found the miced amp track got a whole lot of excess static. The problem isn't the peak levels because the volume was well below that. It might be my microphones, which are Shure 14A which i believe are cardoid microphones. The shure site says these are good vocal mics, but doesn't say anything about recording. Anyway, any advice would be appreciated.
