4 chanel Pre


New member

I need to get a 4 channel pre. Can some one recommend me one. In quality I am looking for a preamp better than the mackie 24x8 preamps. This preamps will be used for things such as overheads and toms.

Let me know.

I would highly recommend getting an API 3124+ (or even better the 3124 MB+). You'll never need to upgrade, because it's one of the best pres(4) out there. Sounds fantastic for vox, guitar, drums, bass, keys. It costs a bit but is worth every penny.

Post indie electronic
meriphew said:
If you're trying to get something nice at a budget price - check out the FMR RNP's.

I agree. Not enough people give this preamp the credit due IMO. It sounds great, and is very forgiving. When I say forgiving, I mean that when you lay a track down with it, it goes to tape sounding embellished in a positive way. Pieces like the Sytek and Grace 101 are indeed very nice, but they are basically a lot more like reality. I personally find this more difficult to fit into the context of a rock or pop mix. I need a little character in my preamps for that purpose.

Nathan Eldred
The Sebatron ( sounds like a science fiction ray gun or something ) stuff is getting some good reviews. They make a 4 channel box. Might be worth checking out. I'm looking at that and the Sytek. The RNP is nice. Having two different 2 channel amps may be more versatile than a 4 channel.