388 sorry I asked twice!


New member
Looking for the tascams 388 service manual. I gave my users manual to the tech but he told me he needs the service manual

any way to get it ?

Thanks to all you 388 experts and 388 nuts!

and Do u recommend any eBay seller to get 1/4 -1800 tape, Looking for qantegy 407 or 457 but dont get it
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There was a manual link bouncing around here some time back...search the forum. It wasn't a really hi-res scan tho'.

Forget eBay for the tape...7 inch reels of 1/4 inch tape are not that much new...just get RMGI LPR35 from US Recording Media or someplace like that...you won't pay much more than you would for the used stuff, if at all, and you'll avoid the potential pitfalls of used tape. LPR35 is the proper spec tape for the 388.