$300 for Vocal mic preamp upgrade...which one?


New member
I have about a $300 (can go a little higher if needed) budget for a new vocal mic preamp that will be used with a Sennheiser e835 and Marshal MXL V77 mic. What are some other good options (DIY included) in this price range? Someone recommended I just buy an ART ProChannel, but I thought I'd be able to build a better preamp for the money...is it plausible? Thanks in advance!
M-audio Tampa. I have two and love them. You get a wonder compressor and digi outs. You can find them for around $320.00 on Froggle
M-audio Tampa. I have two and love them. You get a wonder compressor and digi outs. You can find them for around $320.00 on Froggle

Yes... you get lots of features, but how are the PREAMPS??? Do they stand on their own? or are they just the M-Audio standard pres?...
I would also look at the Groove tubes Brick. It is the mic pre section off the highly acclaimed Vipre and it is being sold right now at my local G Center for $299. (or like 450 for it and the GT55 mic)

Which local Guitar Center, Tom? Arlington? Fort Worth? I used to live in Arlington, dadgummit, but now I'm in Florida and no Guitar Center is close to my place.
tmix said:
I would also look at the Groove tubes Brick. It is the mic pre section off the highly acclaimed Vipre and it is being sold right now at my local G Center for $299. (or like 450 for it and the GT55 mic)


Justa correction it isn't the same preamp as in the VIPRE, its based on the same theory or something like that, but basically this sums it up

Brick 1 channel 300-500
Vipre 1 channel- 2500
Similarity is in the hands of the beholder... depending on your critical levels of "similar" an API can sound "similar" to a Neve. The bottom line is whether the thing sounds good to you for your applications, not whether it sounds "like a Neve".
jeff5xo said:
Teacher, have you built one of these? I just spent about 20 minutes on that site, and I'm VERY intrigued. Does it "really" sound similiar to Neve?

I haven't heard one as I stated before. My cousin was in the process of building the N72 for the past year or so(why is it taking so long is beyond me). But other reviews I've read have all been good and its not from the dude that runs seventhcircle site. Even Geof Tanner (ex neve employee) said if Neve would of actually put out a Neve 1272 into production it probably would of been designed how the seventhcircle peeps have it. Thats enough for me to want to hear the other 2 pre's he makes as well and the price is definitly right if they compete with pre's that are 1K +

Also you can buy them already built if your not handy with a soldering iron.