3 live jazz recordings


New member
hello all!

This wass my first attempt at recording anyone live. It is a high school sextet. Everything was mic'd and I used my small yamaha board into an MR-8. Then i put them into cakewalk to do some final things. Unfortunately the job was kind of rushed due to a fast deadline so i didnt get a few weeks to finish everything i wanted but im pretty happy considering this was my first "professional" live recording. It was recorded in my friends living room. Well here they are and any comments would be helpful.
some things i know that could be better:
guitar is too loud sometimes
ryhtm section covers up horns a bit sometimes
drums needed to be a bit louder soemtimes

Thanks Rudy
Cool. Live recording has got to be a pain...I've never tried it, but would love to. The only things I could say that I noticed immediately was the lack of reverb on the sax and the boxiness of the bass, only during the solo did I notice it. But I dunno...don't listen to enough jazz myself to make a fair judgment.
Thanks for the tunes =)
ya it actualy went way smoother than i thought it would... we started at 1:30 and ended at about 4:30 and that includes unpacking all of the gear and setup. I hope next time we can spend a lot more time and get things a little better. Thanks for the comments tho. They were happy so i guess thats a good start :)
I listened to "Killer Joe"...Yeah! Benny Golson!
First thing I want to say is that is was a nice arrangement!

Being a big listener of live Jazz releases, I'll tell you this:
1. The Rythym Guitar was too loud in the mix...Takes away from everything else going on musically a bit.
2. The drums sound great! Exactly how a live Jazz drummer should sound recorded live.
3. The Double Bassist sounds a bit muddy...Could've brought some highs up just a bit to bring out the acoustic quality of the upright more. But he's definitley swingin!
4. I agree the horns sound a little "boxy"...But not so much to annoy. I don't agree that reverb should be applied to them..That will take away from this classic tune itself.

5. No one wanted to take a shot at singing it, eh? ;)
Tough one to handle vocally!

Overall...A very good capture of the ensemble.

And I applaud high school kids playing with this level of skill.

We need more Jazz here in the MP3 forum.

Oh..And A Warning For Ya...

If you download this file and save it to your desktop, it will not show the full title :Jackson Sextet"..

However, it will show "Jackson Sex"...

That's hilarious!
I kid you not...

Just a heads up if your wife is leaning over ya...She might think you're a Pedo or something.

1. The Rythym Guitar was too loud in the mix...
3. The Double Bassist sounds a bit muddy...Could've brought some highs up just a bit to bring out the acoustic quality of the upright more. But he's definitley swingin!
Agree with that. It's hard to judge about that mixes with puter speakers and streaming over the net, but I really can say that the git is a bit too loud (but the sound is ok), I'm not sure about the bass, it sometimes sounds distorted and sometimes I can't hear anything of it, mixing bass is the hardest thing, I tell ya :) Anyway, you guys can play, that's obvious, it got that swing and mean a thing ;)
Maybe a bit more reverb or delay for the horns, but we're now entering the personal taste area ;)

All in all: Try to mix it with the bass and drums in mind, they are the basement, and should be heard good even on crappy speakers.


- Ulli -

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