3 Fiona Apple covers - Please let me know what you think!


New member
So after everyone's feedback the last time I was here, which helped me tremendously and which I still appreciate, I've done some soul searching. After a series of events in my life recently, it dawned on me that as long as I am not doing and living what I love, I am simply not living at all. I have to follow my highest passion, and with the confidence and steadfast hope that it will work out for the best for me. No questions asked.

Anyway, I still have no equipment whatsoever, but I've been experimenting with my chest voice and working on my breathing. So who better to practice along to than Fiona Apple for this? Haha. Oh, and this is janeparachutes by the way...and yes, I forgot my password. Go figure. Anyway, here are 3 covers of Fiona Apple songs that I just recorded on my macbook earlier today when I realized I was the only person in my apartment building! Please be HONEST and tell me what you think. If I make your ears bleed, tell me!

Also, for the record, I had to punch in twice on the Fast As You Can cover because I accidentally and stupidly quit recording myself as I was singing the first time. I didn't redo it because I liked what I had...though I probably should have looking back. So that one is actually two takes, but at least they were done back to back.

Thanks a million for listening and giving me your feedback, if you do :)

No....there's no one out here.....

. :)

Not sure exactly what aspect of your clips you want critiques for...but I'll say that you have a good voice, nice timbre, and you sing in key....and that's already steps ahead a lot of folks on the interwebs. :D

AFA the recording...STEP AWAY FROM THE MIC!
You are distorting the signals...recording way too hot!

Where are the backing tracks coming from...did you play them, someone else...or did you just use canned stuff and recorded your voice over them?

So like...what area are you from?
Heck...if you were close, I'd say come on over...I'll provide the recording equipment. ;)

It might surprise some people, but I'm a huge Fiona Apple fan.

I agree with Miro. In terms of sound and control, your voice might is one of if not the best I've heard from a newbie here on HR.
Your signals are clippings, but that's expected with singing into a laptop which I assume you're doing instead of using a microphone.
