2second editing


New member
I am brand new to cubase SX3 and there is something i just cannot understand.

I am trying to edit a track so there is no guitar noise/feedback/drum stick noise before the beginning of a song but it seems that cubase will only edit it every 2 seconds worth. I cant delete off the last drum stick click because then i delete the first second of the track.

im sure there must be a cure for this but i dont know it.

any help would be greatly appreciated.

ps. and also i cant figure out how to draw lines to alter a waveform, it just wont draw.

Turn off snap to grid. There is a button at the top slightly to the right of middle that sort of looks like this: >|<.
this is about the snap grid

This is snap grid like mentioned just before

one thing i would recommend is not turning snap off for a simple reason:

if you want to reuse the said track somewhere else in your song (copy paste), you're gonna have a hard time placing it back properlyu in timing with the rest of your song if it doesnt have a "snapped" cut to it. So, for example, you could set the snap grid quantization to 1/32 of a note and cut it the nearest from where you want, this way when you'd copy it, you'd be able to place it exactly in timeing using the same 1/32 quantize snap to paste it!