2004 Zoom 1608

Dave Vick

New member
HI, I am very new to the world of digital recording,and after going round and round the net comparing this to that,there seems no perfect recorder for what I need! However I now have a chance to buy the new ZOOM 1608[out in April?], by mail in Japan.I cant try any recorders out,I live away from mainland Japan,so I depend on your good advice!If anybody has heared anything about this machine,let me know please.
I play bass and guitar,compose and sing,mostly country rock/blues/folk,BUT I don't play drums,and I don't have a regular drummer.Thanks,Dave Vick
PS,Why is it almosteverbody seems to have trouble programming zoom drum sounds?!
The Zoom 1608 will have 16 tracks, each track with 10 virtual takes. You will be able to record up to eight tracks simultaneously. The unit has eight XLR inputs, 4 of which have phantom power. Other feature sets are similar to the 1266, along with additional capabilities. For additional information, try going to Zoom's website-I would assume they have information posted. If not, the 1608 is in American Musical Supply's latest catalog, so they probably have information on their website.

I don't think the drums are hard to program. Creating a drum song from the preset patterns is pretty easy. Finding patterns you like may be more difficult. I'm not a drummer, so I have never tried to program my own drum patterns, but it doesn't seem difficult. Also, you can use midi drum files.
Hello Dave,

I own a 1266 and can vouch for it as an entry level unit.

I've not heard much at all about the 1608 other than a short preview peice in SOS. It looks a lot like the 1266 and I imagine it will be similar but (from what DKMurphPr says) with more tracks and inputs. The 1266 has 10 tracks with two dedicated recording tracks and seperate tracks for drum and bass, 2 phantom powered xlr inputs and six unbalanced TRS inputs.
Also only 6 tracks can be recorded at once.

I've not really used the drum programme thing so I'm not going to comment other than to say I don't think it's exactly straight forward.

You've not gone into too much detail about what you want to acheive and stuff but like I say I think it'll be pretty similar to the 1266 so if you have any more specific questions give me a shout.

I'll revisit that SOS preview tonight and if there's any info. which looks useful I'll post it on this thread.

For what it's worth here's the SOS review of the 1266:


All the best