$200 Tube Condenser - Choices (?)

For $200 I don't think you're going to get much of a tube mic. Is there a reason that you are interested only in a tube mic? I think that in the $200 range there are some really good non-tube mics that would probably sound a lot better than the two mics you mentioned.

What applications are you going to be using it for? What mics do you have already?
Nady TCM-1100

I have the Nady TCM-1100 tube, and believe it or not, I like it a lot. I also own the MXL V67 and Studio Projects C1 - the TCM-1100 takes the cake in most vocal applications. The TCM-1100 can be a little bit sibiliant, but it still honestly sounds very, very excellent.

Remember though, preference is a big issue. For one song I was doing, I demoed between the TCM-1100 tube mic and Studio Projects C1 - both clearly sounded different, of course, but it was really hard to decide which one I actually liked better. So just remember that preference is very subjective, and different applictions call for different types of mics. Good luck though!


Another thing, I never heard the TCM-1150 you mentioned, but I believe it is the exact same model as the Apex 460 tube mic. I have heard that some weird stuff goes on in the higher frequencies, so just keep that in mind. It may sound alright for your application, but I have heard that is a lot harder to find something to sound as good on that mic than a lot other mics you could be looking at.

And also, that is if the Apex 460 is exactly the same as the TCM-1150. I could be very wrong - there may be a couple things different. The outside parts look exactly the same and I have heard they are the same - that's it. Does anyone know if they are really the same? Anyways, all the best - and just something to think about.

...although I prefer the MXL V77s (now discontinued) among the MXL tube mics, the Nady TCM1100 is the same exact design...


...not having one, I can't comment on the sound, but it was confirmed to me in an email from one of head honchos at 797Audio in China that both of these mics were derived from the original 797 CR100 design:


...also a basis for ADK's A51TC which sells for considerably more $s...
The best $200 tube mic you're going to get is if you call around to as many Guitar Centers as it takes to find a remaining Groove Tubes GT44 that they've had on sale for $199.
Dot said:
The best $200 tube mic you're going to get is if you call around to as many Guitar Centers as it takes to find a remaining Groove Tubes GT44 that they've had on sale for $199.

Ditto on the GT44. FWIW, I just got (yesterday) my second GT44 from Guitar Center for the old "on sale" price of $200. Now I've got a pair.