20+ year old guild or Fender Custom Tele Se?


New member
all right many of you know that im planning to get a 20+ year old guild with a double locking tremolo and one pickup at the bridge, and I love it, but another guitar has come across my eyes and I can get an awesome deal for that one too, the fender custom tele, in ebony, with a free case for 400$ when I'll prob pay 320-350 for the guild, what should I do, and whihc would give better tone versatality?
I've never played a guild, but as for my opinion on the telecaster, versatility isnt it, I've found that no matter what you do with your sound it'll always sound like a telecaster (whether thats a good or bad). The guild sounds pretty cool, but depending on whether or not you're a tele guy its hard to pass up a good deal.
yeah but still i meant just the versatality that i can get a telecaster tone but still be able to get at least close on that Humbucker distortion, and since i am a big fan of pink floyd that does make a bit of a tele strat fan. but its a really good deal and you get a free case by fender which costs 160$ like buyin the guitar for 240$, i think im gonna go for the tele, but its gonna be hard as hell to avoid such a sweet deal with the guild, but since idk if the moneys even worth it because idk the model i think ill let the offer go,

thx for the help guys,

just one more question, will it sound sweet from a B-52 AT-100 head? lol