2 songs - note: Gospel lyrics


New member
Would appreciate your comments on these songs. They were homemade with N-track, each one took most of an afternoon to record.

Hope the musical style of these doesn't offend anyone. Seemed like a good place to start in the world of recording.

Thanks for taking time to listen.
Hey Tom...

I think the reason no one has responded to your songs is because it takes a real long time to download them.

And I am on a DSL line, and still waiting...

I'll give my 2 cents when the song downloads.

And don't worry about offending people around here with your lyrics...We is some tough boyz round heh!

No need to apologise for your passion.


Welcome,you found the best place around for homerecording.
Tons of info,and some cool people too!

I really liked your song,but like V.I. said I think there is something wrong with the connection.
Usually everybody post's songs around 4 megs.
If you have a problem,you can post here for free-


It's kind of like our inhouse site,run by the Great Waldo,also a member.

I downloaded most of your song,then my player wigged out,first it muted the audio,then shut down.

From what I heard it sounded great!
Vocals were excellent,and I loved the steel,wish I had one.

I lived in Missouri for a while,and really came to love good gospel music.

The only advice I can give from what I heard was,eliminate the hand claps,you don't need them and they take away from the song.

I have a small website I'm building if you would like to check it out-


Welcome aboard,
Great stuff,
Gosh, thanks for the replies. I'm sorry for the problem. That sight seems ok here, but it is local to me.

I posted them on a better server, to see if that's better for now, so those of you who tried, can get them.

I'll check out those sights. Thanks for the info and feedback.

The handclapping thing was part of the electronic drum kit. One of those things, that seemed cool at the time, but after listening a while, I'm with you.. distracting, and not needed. Also the excessive cymbals during the last vocal. I learned something making these.

Thanks guys. Much appreciated.

nice singing. I liked the 2nd song by far the best. the bari singer was great!...and the pedal steel. The fidelity also seemed much better too on the 2nd tune. and it has a nice home town feel to it..... Some stuff that Bin Laden needs to hear, for sure...good work:)
Thanks guys,

Pete, I took your advice, and signed up with nowhereradio. Will use that in the future for posting.
Loved the songs on your site btw.

Thanks for the comments everyone. Points well taken.