2 New Songs up!


New member
"Digging A Hole" and the newest, *"Salvation Blues"* are the only 2 with vocals by me. The other 2 are just instrumentals.

Any thoughts and comments on any of um, but mainly the first 2. I am not really a singer so...I kinda just really wanted to express myself in them. (dumb guitarist trying to sing) hehe.

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Hey TonyNash, nice crunchy tones and playing.
Mix has kind of a raw rock feel... listening on headphones for now
The song structures are nice and interesting.
The vocals aren't bad too... definitely fit the songs well and sound like they have emotion behind them... even though they seem to drop back sometimes, hiding in the music a bit too much at times.
Especially like the mood of "Digging a Hole"
Good listens, just added you on myspace :cool:
Tony, you rock!

I listened to Salvation Blues a few times (didn't like the feel of the Digging tune, sorry).

As has been said, nice crunch. But, I feel there is a big hole in the middle. The vocal and bongos are there, but the vocal is weak and drops out too often.

Don't let that happen! Your vocals are waaaaaay too cool to be lost between the guitars! Particularly your "asides," in theater speak, which we need to hear stronger than Errol Garner's mumblings (if you don't know who he is, it would be worth a Google search). Believe me, people want to hear those nuances that you utter as you begin to wail on the Les Paul!

I bet that if you brought up your vocal, it would really fill out the entire recording.Thanks for sharing.
Thanks again! I kept the vocals low because I was afraid to have them heard to much, hahaha...go figure!

Thanks for the advice!

If you dig this stuff then please help my band out guys:


