2 Buss Master for ambience tracks?


New member
...what is your favourite 2 Buss compressor for ambiance music. I strongly tend to something like MANLEY VARIABLE MU. Thanks!:confused:
for me that depends more on the song/mix itself than on the genre. anything from no compression to multiband compresssion (or just some dynamic EQing) to vari-mu is possible.
I probably use the STC8M more than anything for ambient... But I tend to just favor the STC8M. Not that my VariMu is collecting dust, but it doesn't get nearly the face-time...
yes, i also have the STC8/M and it is very versatile & never sounding bad. for vari-mu compression: i don't use the manley, but the hcl varis which can be also quite flexible (maybe its the most versatile vari-mu out there) due to its different modes (FF/FB + triode/pentode) & the possible combinations.
....thanks for all your replies. I came a cross some sound comparison files of different 2 Buss Master Compressors - Api, Phoenix, Drawmer, Manley and some others. The Manley really shined marvellous with so much details, almost adding a 4rd dimension to the sound. I let other people compare and everyone would pick the Manley Vari-Mu in first line. Strange enough, the Drawmer 1968 came 2nd.

Though, would love to here some Cransong STC-8 soundbites. Could someone direct me to a URL? Not much info on the net...

The HCL VARIS Vari mu is awesome I have just installed one. of course it completely depends on what is required.
If you get a glassy mix it's going to need warming up if it;s dark and dull you might need another tool, it's going to change for the project at hand really.

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