2.5" diameter shockmount


New member
anyone know where i can get a big shockmount for a 2.5" diameter body (Groove tube GT57), i do a search in the forum and found the tensimount (looks great but smalls).

The mount for the MXL 990 would probably work. The mic itself is a little over 2 in diameter. You can get the mic + shockmount for $60 from Musician's Friend. I don't know if they sell the shockmount separately.
The 990's diameter is 2 3/8". The shockmout goes from 2 1/4" min to 2 5/8" max, so should suit your needs just fine. And it seems fairly rugged.
Yah, that sounds good for you. Just one point - the tensimount shockmounts are fairly small (fine for pencil mics, like small diaphram condensors), but they also sell a "big mic" adapter what works fine for using it with large microphones.
