1980's Tascam Porta One 4-Channel Cassette Recording Studio (Video Attached)


New member
I picked one of these 1980's Tascam Porta One at a thrift store for $6 USD and it seems to work decently except for one problem. When I hit rewind and fast forward the unit works well, but when I hit the play button the motor starts up but nothing moves, there is a clicking sound and the tape deck stops on its own. On the video, I show operation from the front of the unit, and the unit opened up so you can see what is going on inside.

Attached is a video linked to YouTube.
I was going to suggest belt but then saw yr video and it looks like the belts are all working. Weird. I've never owned one of these so I don't know what it could be. You've probably already seen but there's a guy that goes through one of these in a 4 part video on Youtube and maybe watching that will give you some perspective. Probably not though. Good luck man. Someone on here will probably be able to give you some advice.
Common problem with that model.There are two gears that move the headbase assy.In the manual they are called "Gear A and Gear B". The bad news is they are no longer available from Tascam.