1977 Gibson Les Paul Standard


New member
This guitar plays and sounsd amazing. It is a honeyburst type color (I think that is what they call it). Much better sounding and build qualitity than the newer les pauls. Their are some scratches on it, you can tell it's been gigged a few times in it's 25 years of exsistance. I also have the original case and a gig bag for it. If you have any questions, want a better description, or pictures email me at mkhayes@berklee.net

$1600 OBO also trade for high end 2-4 channel mic pre amps (avalon, chandler, api, sytek, john hardy, great river, ect.)

hey Matt,
There is an Avalon Pre that has been sitting in the Guitar Center in Danvers Massachusetts for over a year now in the display rack in the recording section......

I'll bet they would trade you for it....even steven probably...it is tagged for $1400.00
guits move faster than pres.....ya know?
Take it easy man,
Good luck,