17 Mics For Sale Or Trade.

Blake Long

New member
Mostly I'm in need of a good vocal mic, but I would be up for trading for almost anything. Just let me know whatcha got. Only one or two of these mics are actually crap. I won't say which ones unless someone asks about them. The rest of them are good and have their purposes somewhere in a mic locker. I've also got a box full of mics in need of repair--just in case anyone is good with a solder gun. longblake@yahoo.com

-4 Audix D2
-1 Unidyne (57 Lookalike)
-1 Audio Technica Shotgun
-2 Shure SM57
-1 Peavy Dynamic Vocal
-3 EV PL80
-1 Panasonic
-2 EV PL95 (one is actually a DSL35 or something like that, but it's the same thing)
-1 V Tech Dynamic
-1 KM84 (in need of repair)
The 57s haven't gotten used much at all. I traded a live sound guy some vocals mics right after he bought them and I haven't used them at all yet. They may have a couple little marks on them from being in the same mic pouch together, but that's it.
I would be interested in trading for a couple of the Audix D2's . What kinda of vocal mic are you looking for? Handheld? Are what else would you be interested in trading for?

Thanks for your time,
Well, I have a MXL V67M I might be willing to trade if you are interested. It has never beem used. I bought it, and the next day someone pricematched the green/gold one for me, so it sits. Email if you are interested.


I'm looking for a good Lg Dia Cond for vocals. What I really want is a Sanken or Microtech Geffel, but I know that won't happen. So pretty much any of the nicer Marshalls, ADKs, or whatever. Just depends.
Tell me about the box o mics needing repair. And what do you want for the SM57's?

Email me.
The box of broken mics consist of about 22 mics. 3 EV 308s, 1 EV 408, 3 AT ATM 11 (sm dia cond), Sennheiser MD431, Various old Shures and Unidynes, and a couple Peavy handheld vocal mics. I can't lie, they don't look pretty. Some of them may only need XLR jacks and some of them may just be totally doomed. I just don't have the know-how or patience to fix them up. The 4 EV mics would be worth a tune for sure.