16 or 24 bit version of N-track?


New member
Hi all,

I am going to register N-track tonight (16 bit). Now correct me if I'm wrong but 24 bit recording is obviously higher quality but aren't CDs 16 bit? What's the advantage of recording at 24 bit? Again...go easy on me...just learning all this.

Thanks a ton.
Look forward to using N-track.

Hi Nate,

There is LOTS of info (fact and opinion) on this topic at various places on the net. My own opinions:

1. 24 bits will get you better resoultion, therefore better signal to noise ratio. That gives you a better signal to work with while mixing and mastering, even though eventually you will go to 16 bits to burn to CD.

2. You will have higher resoultion files to work with while adding effects & mixing. In other words, round off errors in the various pieces of software you use will be 'below' the final 16 bits that will wind up on the CD.

That said, I use a lowly SB Live! digital card - I'm a beginner!
check my 24 bits post.

Dagnabit! Pressed the New Topic instead of the Post Reply button again. :mad:
I use the 24 bit version. Hands-down, 24 bits sounds way better than 16 bit. No question.

Sure, you lose some of the bigness of your mix when you dither it down to 16bit for CD, but you lose the same amount when you dither a 16bit mix (with 32 or 64 bit effects) down to 16 for the CD. If you can afford the 24 bit version, do it.

Lets see. Recording software does a lot of work with your sound files. Effects and such are all running at very high resolutions to get the highest quality sounds. If you feed them 24 bit files they will sound better than if you feed them 16 bit files. When it is all said and done, the final 16 bit file will have more detail and precision in it.

I never record 16 bit- not even when I am just scratch pad recording. You never know when a take is going to be great and I like being able to fly my scratch takes into the final version if it sounds good.

Its not that 24 sounds SO much better than 16, but it does make a difference. If your hardware supports 20 or 24 bit recording, I would definately get the 24 bit version.

Take care,