$150 dollars for monitors.


New member
I'm a teenager making music in my room pretty much all alone.
I have a fostex vf80ex and i get decent sound out of it.
Im sick of using headphones so i figured might as well buy some monitors.

I have about $150 budget considering itll be a birthday present.
Which do you guys reccommend? I know $150 to spend on monitors are ridiculous, but shoot, everyone has to get a start.

i was looking at the

Tascam really sleek and skinny monitors with a subwoofer

the M-audio Studio Pro 3 (heres a link)

the m-audio dx-4

and the m-audio studio pro 4.

Any suggestions guys?

please shed your wisdom on me.
Why not use headphones for that money?

Buy a nice set of headphones.
You will get much better frequency response than 150$ monitors
Umm, maybe I am alone in this thinking, but I would rather mix on $150 speakers then $150 headphones.
SRR said:
Umm, maybe I am alone in this thinking, but I would rather mix on $150 speakers then $150 headphones.

some mix on speakers, some mix on headphones, its a preference thing.
The Tascams received a surprisingly good review in Tape Op mag last year. but I've never used them. The Swans are good, too. I actually used them for a couple of weeks and found them workable although I like M-Audio's BX5 more. The Swans and BX5s would be about the same price used.

no 5 watts will distort rather early. This advice might be hard to take because it sounds too simple, but for $150, you dont need monitors- unless you can buy them used and cheap and maybe score a 2 channel amp REALLY cheaply.

The thing is not that you need "studio monitors" You just need something that provides an aural environment similar to what most people will be listening on- i.e speakers rather than headphones.

My suggestion is to save your about $100 clams of your $150 and go to best buy or somewhere and spend $50 on those stereo with sub gaming systems that they sell. I PROMISE you, it is good enough for now. plus the low end absolutely kicks tail.

If you are not convinced, pm me and I'll let you hear mixes I did on $57 speakers and compare with mixes I did on some $800 speakers and let you decide that you probably could not tell the speakers by listening to the mix
man, i spent less than $150 on a pair of used m audio sp5bs and my mixes improved about 200% over my old stereo speakers i was using
You can't mix on headphones, but...

You can use them for reference periodicly during the process. Just like switching between different sets of speakers while mixing. If I could not afford decent monitors, I would need my AKG240's or similar to really hear something when I needed to. Perhaps some cheap stereo speakers and a good set of cans would be better than just a pair of low-end monitors, no?

That would be my preference, anyway.

I was going to suggest going up $50 for Event 20/20 passives if you already had a decent home reciever or other power amp. I got mine eons ago for $200 just a little over your range. Got a replacement from Guitar center in a pinch after one finally blew for $110. Imagine that, one speaker blew in the middle of a session, thought I was hopeless - at one point Event stopped making them. I go into GC that night looking for new monitors and I see that the 20/20 passives were re-released and were on sale. Got back on in the session the next day. :cool:

But I just looked and saw what they were curretly selling for.
