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I'm glad it only took me about 4hrs (DLing and installing SP1) to go from a working USB soundcard asjadfhalkjsdfhalskjdfhaslkjfhasldkjfhasdlkfjasndlfkjasnlfkjasndflkjasdnflkasjdfnlkasjdfnlaksdjfnlaskdjfnaslkdjfnaslkdjfnaslkdjfnasldkjfnasdlkjfasdkjfaslkdjfnsaldkjfnalskdjnfsldkjfnasldkjfnaslkdjfnasdkljfnsadkljfnaskdljfnsdkljfnasldkfjnasdlkjfnasdl
to one that sounds like this!
Well, I just dumped the Sp1a and everything is working better than ever!!! Fucker at M-Audio Tech Support told me that the first thing I should do is update windows with the service pack. I know it is suppose to fix a bunch of bugs and shit...but all it did was give me one big fucking headache! Slowed my start-ups to a snail-dick-shuffle...and all but eroded my USB!
WinstonCowboy said:
I know it is suppose to fix a bunch of bugs and shit...

...and fix a bunch of security shit too i beleive. D/ling it was kinda a bitch but it installed fine for me and didnt cause any major problems. YMMV
M-audio usb gear sucks, their drivers make your system unstable. it's a miracle not more people have the same problems.
Ok...so today I woke up and tried to play some mp3's. Everything had been playing smoothly the past day or so...yet out of nowhere, I noticed that my stereo imaging was off....everything seemed a bit to the right. It was really noticeable...so I reinstalled the drivers...and problem was still there...so I fucking called M-Audio and once again the ass told me to update windows...so I DL'd Sp1a again...and reinstalled M-Audio drivers afterwards...well the drivers seemed to have installed, yet when I go to Control Panel > Sounds & Audio Devices > Audio...I can't get the Duo to show up in the drop down box...it only has my internal soundcard and modem. I open up my device manager and see that the USB drivers are installed. I try turning the Duo on and off...nothing....I restart my computer...nothing...I uninstalled Duo....restart...reinstalled..restart...nothing! The drivers are there in the device manager...yet windows isn't recognizing the Duo.

From the time things were working properly til today...there were no changes made to my computer. My laptop was on the entire night...I turned the Duo and Monitors off...but I always do that.

Does anyone know what might be causing this???

I'm thinking about returning the Duo and just getting a Preamp to hook into the internal soundcard on my laptop. Is anyone else recording like this?
Feel your pain. I got an Audio buddy and a Echo IO and the echo wont work...peice of crap!

Okay...My suggestions:

Update the chipset drivers for your motherboard.
Update DirectX
Try a Different USB Port(dumb, i know)
Try the duo on another system.

Basically find out what isnt working...the duo or your laptop.

What specs are you running?
There are also some updates For USB that should be installed AFTER sp1a is installed. When you run the windown update, select Windows XP on the left side and scroll through the selectable hot fixes on the right. You should see one for USB.

Hope that helps.
Hey Guys...thanks for writing...I have tried a lot other stuff that I haven't mentioned in this post..this is just a taste of the shit I have went through.

Update DirectX
Try a Different USB Port(dumb, i know)
Try the duo on another system.

I have tried all of these except:

Update the chipset drivers for your motherboard.

I went to the manufacture's website, but they didn't have any updates for my chipset...which is ALi M5237 rev 3

--There are also some updates For USB that should be installed AFTER sp1a is installed. When you run the windows update, select Windows XP on the left side and scroll through the selectable hot fixes on the right. You should see one for USB.--

Yea....I know about this...I added these to my update and installed them, but they didn't help.

UPDATE: OK...with that said...I had a minor breakthrough...this is gonna sound kinda of weird but here goes. I have been through my device manager so many times in the past few days...I have studied that sucker up and down and have noticed that one of the (+) is always open. It was infrared devices...called Ali Fast Infrared Controller. I know this has nothing to do with my problem...but I checked it out and noticed that is was disabled...so I enabled it just for the hell of it. Well, I closed the device manager up...and for whatever reason...I powered the Duo on (drivers already installed) went to Control Panel > Sound & Audio Devices > and sure enough there was the Duo. I quickly turned my monitors on, opened up winamp, and ta-da the fuckers actually worked! I mean just kicking my heels together and shit! I had been trying to get that damn Duo to show up forever and finally it did. However, while I was listening I decided to open up the configuration control panel for the Duo (to adjust latency and sample rates) but it wouldn't let me open it. I stopped the music, went back into the Control Panel...and the Duo was gone. Vamoose! Just as quickly as it had appeared. I mean what the fuck it going on here! This is some strange shit!

I went and disabled the infrared device...then enabled it again (I'm desperate folks!) powered the Duo on, but nothing.

I am not sure where this leaves me. Just want to reiterate that this problem only started happening after all the updates i.e. SP1a...this is the second time I have DL'd the bitch...the first time I uninstalled it because I was having the same troubles...and it fixed the problem as soon as I restarted the computer.
Do you have any way of testing the Duo on another system?

You HAVE to determine what is at fault otherwise you will get nowhere...slowly.

Go to the ali website and download those drivers, even if they arent newer then your current, your current USB drivers may be corrupted, or windows may have f-ed with them.

What laptop do you have??
The unexplained continues....

Ok...so when seryozha mentioned the USB drivers...it reminded me of a folder that contains backup drivers to most of the hardware installed on my computer. I opened up the folder and found something called USBWake...it was a little configuration program that is designed to make it possible to wake a computer from standby or hibernation with a USB mouse. It was disabled...so I went ahead and enabled it...restarted...After restart I powered on the Duo again...just to see if it had any effect...and low and behold that fucker showed up again in my Control Panel. I went to the configuration control panel for the Duo to see if it was going to do the same thing as last time...and sure enough as soon as I tried to open it...the Duo vanished from my computer. I mean it was exactly like before with the Infrared Device. Doesn't that seem bizarre?

I can turn the Duo on and off til the end of time and it will not show up on my computer...like it did with the Infrared and USBWake.

Also, I have tried uninstalling all the USB drivers i.e. Hub, Composite, Controller and restarting windows to reinstall them...but that didn't help.

I have a HP ze4100 Laptop.

The only other computer I have is an older Toshiba Notebook...that is running 98 and only has like 32mb of Ram...so I doubt it would work on that one.

The Ali website doesn't have any drivers for my motherboard...at least I couldn't find any. It has some drivers on there but I didn't see my chipset.
I found there have been 2 BIOS updates for my computer. I have never updated a BIOS, but have read that it can cause some serious problems. What should I look out for? What is the worse that can happen? My computer crashes and I lose the data?

I don't have a 3.5 floppy on my computer, but I found a different method:

Connect to the Internet.
Click Start, All Programs, HP e-DiagTools for Windows.
HP e-DiagTools for Windows should now be loaded.
Click BIOS at the top, then Update, check Download New, click OK, Change Settings, check LAN, click OK, and click OK again in the Connect box.
The latest version of the BIOS will begin to download.
The update BIOS window will pop up. At this point, the new BIOS is downloaded and all peripherals should be unplugged. Be sure that just the AC adapter is plugged in, then click Yes.
The notebook will now restart and run the BIOS flash. Do not do anything to the notebook while this is happening.
The BIOS update takes approximately two minutes to run through.

This is HP approved way of updating the BIOS. I can also download the bootdisk from here:


But like I said, I don't have a floppy drive to use.

When you update a BIOS...do you have to reinstall Windows XP no matter what? Or can you just flash the BIOS and continue?
When you flash the bios, it just flashes the BIOS. The bios is basically a Mini OS that is on the motherboard that controls all the layer 1 hardware. It wont wipe out any data or anything, it won't touch anything on the computers' hard drive. Im not familiar with the way that HP told you to do it, but that is prob. the best way rather then doing it from a boot disk.

I would still try the Duo on the toshiba just to see if it exhibits the same behavior. Doesnt matter if you cant record, just as long as it is "there" and doesnt disappear.

Another thing i would suggest, when you get complete desperate, is just wipe the hard drive and reinstall windows. Or if The hp came with a restore cd, just put that sucka in a let it format and restore. That why you know if it is maybe something with your software rather then the Duo f-ing up.

Also, download this program, http://www.systemoverload.net/downloads/aida32ee_393.exe
Install it, it will check your specs and tell you EXACTLY what chipset you have and then give you a link for the companys driver download page.

My situation with my Echo IO has gotten Dire. I have opened up my laptop and I am inspecting the PCMCIA slot. I suspect that the Grounding tabs, that the 32-bit cards use but the 16-bit cards dont, are not properly seated so not all grounds are connecting to the 32-bit Pc card. Which would explain why the 16-bit cards works because they dont use those grounds.

Ill probably wine up f-cking it up beyond any sort of "warranty" repair and curse the hell out of it and destroy it in blazing shame!
Hey...I really appreciate all the help...I have posted this problem on a few different boards and your about the only one willing to help me out.

Doesn't Echo have some customer support you can call...I think I would harass them a bit before I started disassembling my computer.

I'll hunt around and hopefully will find some useful information for you. Good Luck!

I am DLing the program right now to see if I can't find some drivers for this focking bassturd computer of mine!

Yeah dude, no problem, I get a kick out of problem solving, except I kick the crap outa my problem.

I think my problem may be with my laptop rather then the Echo. The Echo card just doesnt seem to fit in smoothly into My laptops' PC Card slot. Because the Echo does work on another laptop.

Ill prob. end up calling Acer and have them tell me that I need to send it to friggin Hong kong so they can repair it.

Do you have any other USB device on your system? Like a mouse or printer or something? Just to see if your USB is working ok. Its just hard determining what is at fault, you have to eliminate something first. The easeist thing to test is the Duo it self by trying it on another system. If it works like it should on another system, then now you KNOW its something with your laptop.

Have patience, I found this out the hard way. I wanted to see if installing Win2k fixed my problem, I have the OS, couldn't find the CD so I ordered a brand new one that same day...found My Win2k Cd the next day...in a pile of CD's I had thought i went through when i was searching for it. [Angry pyschotic laugh]