10Disk: New website and new song posted


New member
Hi once again MP3 mix clinics dudes, thanks for your comments on my last post.

I have a new song posted on my web site - http://10disk.co.uk - and would like some opinions.

Direct link is:

The song is called 'Feelings are empty'. I was feeling a little jaded by the music industry having been in a struggling professional band in the UK for the last 5 years and then to top it all my band mates asked me to leave said band. Apparently 'nothing personal', they just wanted a different guitarist. So, that sucked.

So, this song is very short, quite rough but it has something in it I like and I haven't got across in my demos for a long while.

Please let me know what you think.

Heyrichthirst -

Nice job! I love the vocals. First grade quality.
What kind of gear are you using?


Hi Aren,


As for the equipment used:

The guitars were recorded using a Zoom GM200 Amp Modeller. It was dirt cheap (£40 / $57) as an end of line product and I bought it just to do demos with at home as my POD 2 was always left at the project studio where I engineer.

Bass and vocals were recorded through a Joe Meek VC3 pre-amp.
Vocals were recorded by a Rode NT 2 mic.

All of these were recorded by a Maxi Studio ISIS sound card running on the following PC:

AMD Duron 750Mhz
256Mb RAM
3Gb Maxtor OS + Apps Drive (in Slient Drive sleeve)
40Gb Seagate Audio Date Drive
32Mb Maxi Cougar Graphics Card
19" ProView Monitor

I run Windows 98SE and use n-track Studio v3.0x for recording.

My monitoring setup is a Behringer MX602A Mixer into an IMQ 200W Power Amp connected to Tannoy Reveals (Passive) Speakers.

richthirst -

JoeMeek... That's what I thought. I'm getting more and more convinced that I definitly should get one of these (One day, when I'll be charging more then 5$ per CD, just to cover expences...).
I love that sound...

The guitar sound great for this kind of application. I doubt that the clean tones on the Zoom are worth anthing, but in this context, it's awsome.

Keep it up!

Real aggressive sound! You did capture a great vocal sound. I thought they were out just a hair in a few spots but in the context of this tune it sounds correct. Killer!
Hi Track Rat,

Yup you're right, a couple of bum notes in the performance - at least someone else noticed them, sometimes I listen to stuff so hard it's all I can hear and then I don't know if it's really there at all. Crazy :)

I tried re-recording the vocals a week after the initial recording but I don't think I was in the right mood. I think the thing as a whole could do with re-recording, the drum patterns could certainly be better but there's nothing like kicking a song out into the real world to focus it.

Thanks for the comments so far!
