1010LT and on-board mic-pre's

Steal Sessions

New member
Last weekend 1st try recording 7 ch. drums *8th ch. used for click-guidetrack*:

I recorded my drumming using a AMD 2200MHz, 512Mb memory using Sonar 2 combined with a seperate 40 Gig (7200RPM) HDD and Delta 1010LT card. Since the card is equipped with 2 micamps I decided to use these for bas and snare recording while using a Behringer 2222 mixer via inserts for the 6 other ch's. I discovered soon enough that the output volume of the basmic (112 AKG) and the snaremic (SM58) were too loud, you could see the tops of the signal clipping in the tracks.. (I did put the driver/software sliders to minimum). I did before set the input gain to +19db (+30db is max) on the card using the jumpers, but it still seemed to be too much.. So I went for a quick and dirty solution and set the jumpers in at the spot to 'line level +14dBu mode'.. This was probably not the smartest thing to do though, since at that stage I was recording bas and snare without a mic pre.... Somehow it worked though, the results were quite OK, but I think I'm missing the high freq's in both snare and bas... pitty, since this was a one-chanse-only recording and we'll have to stick to the results we got. Are these mic pre's on the card as bad as some of the posters here seem to suggest or did I do something totally wrong? I read about pad switches and that they should be used while recording drums because of the high level signals from the mics, but of course the low-cost mixers like the behringer (which I could and did lend for free) and yamaha (which I cosider buying) don't have pad switches.. so I'll still have these problems I guess... I'm pretty good in soldering and such, building electronic circuitry from scratch is quite doable for me.. should I really consider buidling a reasonable quality 8 ch pre-amp or are there more handy solutions? I'm thinking of building 'pad-switch XLR adaptors' and buying a yamaha 8ch mixer for the pre-ams.. I guess that's the easiest way to go. Basically I'll be focused on recording drums primary, sice I'm a drummer myself ;-).

I searched trough this (amazing informative) forum for a week or so now, but I never found much about the mic-pre's of the 1010LT yet.. Should I just cancel them out the chain and use always an outboard pre-amp?

I could post some of the recordings, but I'm heasitating a bit.. Sorry for the long typing..
