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  1. S

    Routing external fx

    Hi! I have M Audio FW Solo soundcard and SSL Alpha Channel. I would like to use the SSL´s EQ section on some pre-recorded tracks in Cubase 5. Cubase 5 has a great option to use the external fx as the native plugins but in my case, it seems, it doesnt work. I belive it is because I have only 2...
  2. S

    Preamp paired with AT4047 recommendations

    Hi! I last few days I have been searching for the best preamp solution for my AT4047 mic. I would very appreciate if any of you guys could help me and give some advice. My budget is cca 1000$, and I am looking for the single channel preamp exclusively for male vocal recording. I know, there is a...
  3. S

    M-Audio Firewire Solo mic preamp quality

    Hi guys! What do you think about mic preamp quality of Firewire Solo? Any comparison with low cost preamps (<500$)? I made some recordings with M audio nova and firewire solo soundcard and the results were just as you could presume; amateur sound quality. I want something more, so I bought AT...
  4. S

    Audio technica 4047 m-audio firewire solo

    Hi guys! I own Audio Technica 4047 SV mic and it is really great mic. As mic preamp I am using M-Audio Firewire Solo. I am interested; Is it possible to get from AT paired with Firewire Solo quality vocal sound in home recording conditions? Untill now, I didnt have a chance to compare the sound...