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  1. F

    Instrument tracks & midi channels

    I'm new to Protools HD and have a basic understanding of midi but cant quite solve the following scenario. (I'm not in front of the Protools computer at the moment so hopefully can describe ok) The song is using 2 'instrument' tracks, 1 for piano (using Xpand) and the other for drums (also...
  2. F

    AD/DA Converter advice

    Hey there Protools people My friend and I are taking the big step into the world of Protools HD2. We've been using a Boss BR1600CD for 3 years but have no experience using computer software or the hardware etc that is required. The equipment and specifications that I mention are from the...
  3. F

    Boss BR1600CD users

    check out this site if you own a Boss BR1600CD. It will probably have some relevance to BR1200CD and BR1180 users too.
  4. F

    Lost some memory

    Hey there ~ anyone got some suggestions about regaining memory?... my BR1600CD lost 70 hours of available memory :confused: I had 97 hours remaining (of the original 120) and it dropped to 27. Fortunatley it didnt lose any song data. So theres still enough left to finish current songs. I...