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  1. R

    Bass DI. Sansamp RBI or ACMP 73?

    I have been using the RBI for bass DI and I like it. But I have a couple 73s on the way and I'm wondering if I should ditch the RBI and just use the 73? I also have an MPA Gold that could give me the tube DI flavor if I need it. Just curious if I should blow out of the RBI and maybe pick up...
  2. R

    No love for the ACM 3?

    I have hardly seen anyone put these up as a suggestion when talking about ribbons. The design is generally cited as the problem but the arguably best, most heralded ribbon mics ever has almost the exact design. So is it the execution of this particular mic that is it's downfall or are the other...
  3. R

    New to Ribbons. Which one for a pair?

    I was initially drawn to the ACM-3. Now I'm thinking ACM-4. I'm interested in a pair for Acoustic Guitars, OHs and guitar cabs. Which should I go for? Thanks boys.
  4. R

    Official Premature Group buy Preamp Mod Thread.

    Ok. Like the title indicates. This is very premature having not even heard the pres. But I like to operate on common sense first and be surprised. Common sense would indicate that these pres could be great, could be pretty good or could be average. Obviously we are all hoping for the best and...