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  1. S

    Giving the V-Amp Pro a nod...

    Althought I must admit that I am not a big fan of the "B" word company, I have bought a few peices of their gear over the years. Most were OK to pretty good in my experience. I have just recently bought the V-amp Pro rack version of the V-amp 2, and so far, this thing has got me giddy...
  2. S

    Old Version VST24 version 3.7...

    Does anyone know if there is anyway to get Cubase VST24 version 3.7 to work on a win2000 os? Reason is, I have a pc at work that I occasionally use for editing & recording audio on, but don't want to have to buy new software. I tried an install and it said win95-98 only (it figures!). I've...
  3. S

    Mackie HR824's...

    Anybody know of the best price & place out there on these babies? I need to pick up a pair, and the local GC guy cornered himself by guaranteeing to price match the best price I can get as long as it is a legit company/dealer. His best GC price is 699 each. So help a fellow Brotha make the GC...
  4. S

    U-87 shopping... help a brotha out!

    Anyone know of a good source/price on a new U87? I remember a while back it was posted that they were less in certain parts of western europe, but it appears things may have changed. Figures cus I'm going to Germany & UK in May... What the best legit price/source that anyone knows of right...
  5. S

    SP B-3 Sound quality? is Allen in the house?

    I just picked up Studio Projects B-3 and brought it home to put it through the paces. Good job SP. I like....but - I noticed it sounded very nice in OMNI pattern, and CARDIOD pattern, but here's the kicker- in figure 8 the front of the mic sounds the same, but the rear sounds darker. (In...
  6. S

    Alesis DM5 question

    Does anyone know if you can inport your own sounds into the DM5, or are you stuck with the stock sounds? (how are the stock sounds?) The drummer I play with is wanting to get a unit for triggering sounds live, and I'm trying to help him out. He is looking to snag one off e-bay cheap if...
  7. S

    Anyone done this?

    I am in the beginning stages of studio building, and while meeting with my builder / father inlaw, he brought up a good idea that I am giving serious thought into. We have aquired a house on 5 acres east of Portland Or and thought first of building the studio from scratch. His new idea was to...
  8. S

    Studio building plan ideas welcome...

    Hi everyone, I am a long time reader, recent poster of this forum, who is in the midst of putting together a "New Structure" studio building. I've had your typical basement studio biz for years, but now we are going to the next level. (wallet is quivering!) So here is my question & situation...