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  1. W

    Recording Bass Guitar

    I seem to have a problem recording bass. The volumes tends to swell back and forth when I record a bass track. I use a compressor and sometimes I dont,it does it either way. Is there something I could try to solve this problem?
  2. W

    bussing effects

    When ever I send an effects signal to an instrument thats panned hard left or right the signal goes to both sides of my monitor. My effect unit only has one output,and the mixing board has 2 inputs(left-right),how do I configure this problem. When I connect to the left buss input its mono,but...
  3. W


    I have a Fostex FD8 and a computer. Right now im recording onto a zip drive that I bought for a hundred bucks. My question is. How do I get my multitracker to record onto my computer. Any help would be great. Thanks