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  1. E

    Aftertouch responce on Alesis Q25

    I'm using an Alesis Q25 keyboard via Kenton MIdi/CV converter into a Modular Synth. Ive got the Kenton Aux set to Aftertouch but when I try the notes I dont get any results, the notes play but no effect,. (Ive reset the keyboard to default and notice that the Midi Control Slider does exert an...
  2. E

    Midi transport control.. DAW?..stand alone unit?

    I'm begining to realise that having a seperate midi "Transport" unit would be quite good..i.e. something that has play / record / fast forward etc. buttons. is there a reasonably priced unit out there?
  3. E

    Half/Double speed monitoring solution?

    I use half speed recording quite a lot mainly on analogue synth to achieve high percussion / retro sounds and similiar effects (Les paul) as done in the 60's. Midi double speed technique doesnt achieve "that sound" I'm using Sonar 7 but processing is very very slow when doubling speed on...