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  1. L

    Metal mix test

    Lately I've really been trying to improve the sound quality of my music, but I think I've hit a wall recently and the only advice I am getting is just for trial and error, but it seems at this point anything i change just makes it worse. I've put together this mix...
  2. L

    Where to start?

    Hi everyone, I've recently just starting recording/mixing my own songs and I'm really clueless as to how to start getting the basics down for things like eq and comp. Here's one of my songs Chirbit - EP(track4) - LightsAndShapes - share audio easily so i was just hoping i could get some pointers...
  3. L

    Original metal song

    Here's a song i recorded today, not so much looking for a crit on the song itself and the composition, but more so the mixing and what can be done better because from listening to it, it sounds like a lot. Chirbit - EP(track4) - LightsAndShapes - share audio easily Thanks in advance!
  4. L

    My Chirbit

    For a while now, i've been slowly adding to a collection of tracks to my Chirbit (an audio sharing website) and I wouldn't mind some feedback on the tracks (i am aware that the mixing is pretty bad, and the timing can be off at times, but i think it would be wise to keep adding on things to...
  5. L

    DI guitar recording

    Hi there, I've just began to start recording a few idea's of mine and have ran into a few problems (and probably a lot more to come) and the main one for now is guitar tone. Right now, im playing a PRS se 25th anniversary edition into a M-audio fast track pro and then using Amplitube software...