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  1. D

    E drums midi too loud

    Recently started recording with my yamaha dtxplorer (fairly old bit of kit) One thing i have noticed is that when playing hard, say for like a rock song, a lot of the hits are all 127, which im sure isn't great for dynamics and realism! Theres no way to adjust the midi volume output from the...
  2. D

    Sloppy drums!

    My band are attempting to record out ep, and to me the drums just seem so sloppy, the main culprit being the kick drum! This is out 2nd attempt of tracking the drums and they still seem shit to me (I like things to be perfect, i don't want to sound like a crap band) Take a listen to the tracks...
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    Snare roll issue with Flex Time (Logic Pro 9)

    Im flex timing a live drum take i did with my band We didn't play to a click, but i have figured out the BPM, and started putting all the beats in place The only issue with this is the when the drummer does snare rolls In the close mic they sound fine and normal, but in the OH they sound...
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    Mixing more than numerous songs "together"?

    Is there a way to say have 4 or 5 different songs with all the tracks, and for it all to sound good and of similiar volumes and quality etc. Need to get 5 songs mixed pretty quick!
  5. D

    Stuttering cubase!

    Toshiba Satellite L300 19Y 2GHZ Intel Core 2 Duo 3GB RAM Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit currently installed M-Audio FW 1814 interface Currently using Cubase 5 32bit, and the more plug ins i add, the slower it becomes, untill eventually it stutters, and plays occasionally. I know alot of people...