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  1. S

    Need Some Constructive Feedback Please

    I'm no professional - just do it for fun - would you mind listening to couple of songs. First track is all MIDI - just an instrumental of "The Closer I Get To You" - Second track is MIDI plus some guitars "Rainey Nights In Georgia" (no vocals yet). Equipment: SB 512, Audio Buddy, Roland JV1080...
  2. S

    Need Some Constructive Feedback

    I'm no professional - just do it for fun - would you mind listening to couple of songs. First track is all MIDI - just an instrumental of "The Closer I Get To You" - Second track is MIDI plus some guitars "Rainey Nights In Georgia" (no vocals yet). Equipment: SB 512, Audio Buddy, Roland JV1080...
  3. S

    Audiophile - everything gone wrong!

    Got my Audiophile 24/96 - installed it and all went crazy - I'm sure it is me and not the card for I know it comes highly recommended. My concern is my 2 year old Athalon MB with VIA chipset - here were my issues: Sometimes just lost card in Cakewalk HS - recording speeded up realy fast and...
  4. S

    16 bit vs. 24 bit Question

    Somewhat of a newbie – I currently use a SB512 card, Audio Buddy, Shure BG4 condense mic, Roland JV1080 with Cakewalk Home Studio – I mainly do MIDI with 3 or 4 audio guitar tracks (acoustic and light Telecaster) – I understand that by recording in 24 bit it goes back to 16 bit anyway for CD –...