Trump on Trial!

I thought by your request we weren't doing insults? Facts, you like facts, or so you have said.

Fact, you've said you would lay down your life to save this country, and our precious democracy, which seems a bit overly dramatic, a fucking hero complex....unless you have some as lfyet unstated action you plan to implement. I don't know, sounds a tad insurrectiony. I digress. Fact, you cited Bill Barr as a credible source. Fact, Barr has recently been quoted as saying the real threattooir precious democracy comes not from Donald Trump but the left, and a continuation of the current (Biden) administration would be national suicide, would destroy this country.

Surely a true patriot who would lay down his life to save this country would not vote for its destruction. Surely you would not do such a thing, a patriot after all?
I give up. You’re still not answering the original questions. You’re not a honest interlocutor. Perhaps it’s a cognitive issue whereby you’re unable to follow an argument or line of reasoning, I didn’t know. In any case good luck with the reality denial thing. 100 years from now, like Hitler, people will look back and wonder how people could possibly have fallen for the idiot, fat, orange psychotic criminal slob.
brassplyer said:
More 51 intel experts?

Trump took a cognitive test that Biden refuses to take.

If you claim you don't recognize that Trump is far sharper than Biden either you yourself are severely cognitively deteriorated or you're lying. Or both.
Trump shows signs of dementia, Biden shows signs of normal aging. Trump confused Obama with Biden multiple times and confused Haley with Pelosi repeatedly, just for starters. Give me examples of Biden doing that - go ahead I’m waiting.

But the problem is much worse than just dementia, Trump is a dangerous malignant narcissistic sociopath. Don’t just take my word for it, listen to those who know him and worked with him. Here are just a quick few examples below, there are many more! Please find me just one comparable example for Biden. Just one.

AG Bill Barr: “he is a consummate narcissist. And he constantly engages in reckless conduct. … He’s a very petty individual who will always put his interests ahead of the country’s. … But our country can’t, you know, can’t be a therapy session for, you know, a troubled man like this.”

Defense Secretary Mike Esper: “He wanted to deploy active-duty troops on the street of Washington, D.C., and suggested actually that we shoot Americans in the street. That’s kind of more of what you’ll see.” Esper further cautioned that Trump is not “fit for office because he puts himself first and I think anybody running for office should put the country first.”

Chief of Staff, General John Kelly: “A person who is not truthful regarding his position on the protection of unborn life, on women, on minorities, on evangelical Christians, on Jews, on working men and women,” Kelly continued. “A person that has no idea what America stands for and has no idea what America is all about. A person who cavalierly suggests that a selfless warrior who has served his country for 40 years in peacetime and war should lose his life for treason – in expectation that someone will take action. A person who admires autocrats and murderous dictators. A person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law.

“There is nothing more that can be said,” Kelly concluded. “God help us.”

You asked. I did the work and bought the receipts, so how about an intelligent response with references rather than the usual insults?
And Trump plans to repeal the 13th Amendment too. :ROFLMAO:

Yup, more of those "experts".

Sorry sport pretend and lie all you want, I can see them talk.

Please find me just one comparable example for Biden. Just one.
Biden calling on a dead congresswoman.

An orator who can clearly get his point across.

He needed 6 edits in a 14 sec video for them to pretend he's lucid.

Mexico, Egypt - whatevah, same difference.

You know - the thing!

Last edited:
I'll ask one more time:

But the problem is much worse than just dementia, Trump is a dangerous malignant narcissistic sociopath. Don’t just take my word for it, listen to those who know him and worked with him. Here are just a quick few examples below, there are many more! Please find me just one comparable example for Biden. Just one.

More opinions of some of the people were close to Trump and observed him in action:

Rex Tillerson Secretary of State a fucking moron Pentagon meeting​
Gary Cohn Economic advisor dumb as shit Email circulating within the White House​
H R McMaster National security advisor a dope Private dinner​
Tom Barrack Friend and supporter not only crazy, […] stupid Conversation with friend​
Gary Cohn Economic advisor less a person than a collection of terrible traits Email circulating within the White House​
Gary Cohn Economic advisor an idiot surrounded by clowns Email circulating within the White House​
H R McMaster National security advisor “An idiot [with the intelligence of] a kindergartener” Private dinner​
John Kelly Chief of staff an idiot Conversation with Trump
Sam Nunberg Adviser he’s an idiot Live TV​
Steve Mnuchin Secretary of Treasury an idiot Unspecified​
Reince Preibus Chief of staff an idiot Unspecified​

Show me the same for Biden. You can't. You're in denial about the fat, traitorous, criminal, psychotic slob.
I give up. You’re still not answering the original questions. You’re not a honest interlocutor. Perhaps it’s a cognitive issue whereby you’re unable to follow an argument or line of reasoning, I didn’t know. In any case good luck with the reality denial thing. 100 years from now, like Hitler, people will look back and wonder how people could possibly have fallen for the idiot, fat, orange psychotic criminal slob.

lol @ give up, and well you should.

You based an argument on Bill Barr's opinion, now you just don't want to talk about it anymore. Forget all about that argument, abandon, abort, go back to "the original questions"? So much for following a line of reasoning, eh?

"Hitler", yeah, you go with that. I was willing to give you an opportunity, you're not as intelligent as you suppose yourself to be.
I'll ask one more time:

More opinions of some of the people were close to Trump and observed him in action:

Rex Tillerson Secretary of State a fucking moron Pentagon meeting​
Gary Cohn Economic advisor dumb as shit Email circulating within the White House​
H R McMaster National security advisor a dope Private dinner​
Tom Barrack Friend and supporter not only crazy, […] stupid Conversation with friend​
Gary Cohn Economic advisor less a person than a collection of terrible traits Email circulating within the White House​
Gary Cohn Economic advisor an idiot surrounded by clowns Email circulating within the White House​
H R McMaster National security advisor “An idiot [with the intelligence of] a kindergartener” Private dinner​
John Kelly Chief of staff an idiot Conversation with Trump​
Sam Nunberg Adviser he’s an idiot Live TV​
Steve Mnuchin Secretary of Treasury an idiot Unspecified​
Reince Preibus Chief of staff an idiot Unspecified​

Show me the same for Biden. You can't. You're in denial about the fat, traitorous, criminal, psychotic slob.
Lol - Joedaughtershowers is just taking orders, I doubt he has much interaction with any of "his" cabinet.

Do you think Racial Jungle Joe is the mind behind "his" administration, is the one calling the shots?
I'll ask one more time:

More opinions of some of the people were close to Trump and observed him in action:

Rex Tillerson Secretary of State a fucking moron Pentagon meeting​
Gary Cohn Economic advisor dumb as shit Email circulating within the White House​
H R McMaster National security advisor a dope Private dinner​
Tom Barrack Friend and supporter not only crazy, […] stupid Conversation with friend​
Gary Cohn Economic advisor less a person than a collection of terrible traits Email circulating within the White House​
Gary Cohn Economic advisor an idiot surrounded by clowns Email circulating within the White House​
H R McMaster National security advisor “An idiot [with the intelligence of] a kindergartener” Private dinner​
John Kelly Chief of staff an idiot Conversation with Trump​
Sam Nunberg Adviser he’s an idiot Live TV​
Steve Mnuchin Secretary of Treasury an idiot Unspecified​
Reince Preibus Chief of staff an idiot Unspecified​

Show me the same for Biden. You can't. You're in denial about the fat, traitorous, criminal, psychotic slob.


You forgot to again include Bill Barr. You know, Bill Barr was quoted recently as saying the biggest threat to our precious democracy comes from the left, and a continuation of the current administration would be national suicide.

Bill Barr, amirite.
I rest my case. Pathetic rubes.

Regarding Barr, the fat slob said what he said, later statements don't change the fact. He also said that Trumps' claims of election fraud were "bull shit". Do you agree?

Regarding Hitler, I apologize for the comparison. At least Hitler had some courage - he was wounded in WW1 as opposed to the fat orange slob coward who got out of service by claiming "bone spurs". Also, no matter how evil, Hitler was intelligent whereas Trump is a fucking moron which is a saving grace since he was too incompetent to completely destroy the government. If he gets reelected, all bets are off since he'll be surrounded by spineless yes men, incompetents, idiots and criminals.

Good luck with the cult.
I rest my case. Pathetic rubes.

Regarding Barr, the fat slob said what he said, later statements don't change the fact. He also said that Trumps' claims of election fraud were "bull shit". Do you agree?

Regarding Hitler, I apologize for the comparison. At least Hitler had some courage - he was wounded in WW1 as opposed to the fat orange slob coward who got out of service by claiming "bone spurs". Also, no matter how evil, Hitler was intelligent whereas Trump is a fucking moron which is a saving grace since he was too incompetent to completely destroy the government. If he gets reelected, all bets are off since he'll be surrounded by spineless yes men, incompetents, idiots and criminals.

Good luck with the cult.
Do you think Racial Jungle Joe is the mind behind "his" administration, is the one calling the shots?
I rest my case. Pathetic rubes.

Regarding Barr, the fat slob said what he said, later statements don't change the fact. He also said that Trumps' claims of election fraud were "bull shit". Do you agree?

Regarding Hitler, I apologize for the comparison. At least Hitler had some courage - he was wounded in WW1 as opposed to the fat orange slob coward who got out of service by claiming "bone spurs". Also, no matter how evil, Hitler was intelligent whereas Trump is a fucking moron which is a saving grace since he was too incompetent to completely destroy the government. If he gets reelected, all bets are off since he'll be surrounded by spineless yes men, incompetents, idiots and criminals.

Good luck with the cult.

Again, insults, I thought we weren't doing that?

Hm, interesting, admiration for Hitler. You're one of those. Oh, I got a question! You like questions, yeah?

If it was that Hitler guy, the courageous and intelligent, vs that Trump guy, totally like that Hitler guy but without the admirable traits, which would you vote?<(question mark) Come on now, tell the truth. Answer the question. Let's just call it my "original" question, which makes it one you must answer. Your rules, man.
Again, insults, I thought we weren't doing that?

Hm, interesting, admiration for Hitler. You're one of those. Oh, I got a question! You like questions, yeah?

If it was that Hitler guy, the courageous and intelligent, vs that Trump guy, totally like that Hitler guy but without the admirable traits, which would you vote?<(question mark) Come on now, tell the truth. Answer the question. Let's just call it my "original" question, which makes it one you must answer. Your rules, man.

I wouldn’t vote for either, even at gun point. Also you’re an absolute moron. I’ve given up on you answering any questions or providing comparable evidence, refutations etc. you’re either cognitively impaired, mentally ill, or just a plain old evil lying sack of shit. But I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are just the hapless victim of Traitor Trump’s sick personality cult.

I’m done, I’ll never open this thread again. I don’t give a shit what you think, you can scream into the void and rebreathe your toxic flatulence with the rest of the programmed cultists.
Lemme see if I'm understand it correctly. Anyone who'd vote for Trump is labled as members of a "cult", right? Would it be unreasonable to label Biden supporters as members of a "tribe"?

Screw the labels! What this country needs right now is certainly NOT Trump or Biden. If either of those two get elected in Nov, you best prepare yourself for four more year of Hell on Earth.
I rest my case. Pathetic rubes.
The fact that you won't answer the question...

"Do you think Racial Jungle Joe is the mind behind "his" administration, is the one calling the shots?"

Nullifies any point you were pretending to make - you know he isn't. The fact that he's happy to pretend otherwise is a huge lie in of itself - on the part of Joedaughtershowers and everyone like you who's happy to perpetuate the lie.

Claims that Donald Trump doesn't care about the US is made laughable by the open borders policy of Brandon's puppeteers.