Barking Dogs

Yeah? Oh yeah?? Well.....


I'm not looking to target anyone, peck a fight. I do wish those dogs would stfu. Situations such as yours and mine, it diminishes enjoyment and use of property. In addition to the noise from the barking, and howling, which is going on at this very moment.....for the last several hours....for all intent and purposes given those dogs are territorial of my property, I've/we've been annexed as well.

It runs all over me and I see red. Fuck it, I'm driving the truck back there and blaring the horn. Wife's gonna be pissed, oh well. Let the next door neighbors call the police.
Yeah? Oh yeah?? Well.....


I'm not looking to target anyone, peck a fight. I do wish those dogs would stfu. Situations such as yours and mine, it diminishes enjoyment and use of property. In addition to the noise from the barking, and howling, which is going on at this very moment.....for the last several hours....for all intent and purposes given those dogs are territorial of my property, I've/we've been annexed as well.

It runs all over me and I see red. Fuck it, I'm driving the truck back there and blaring the horn. Wife's gonna be pissed, oh well. Let the next door neighbors call the police.
Ya know, the ironic thing about barking dogs is the owners hear it also. And most likely at a louder volume than the neighbors hear it seeing how they are closer to the noise source.

Doesn’t it bother them as well? Or are they deaf, or apathetic about it and tune it out?

I have a big ass dog. About 125 pounds. A real deep manly bark. But he doesn’t bark unless there’s a legitimate perceived danger, which is very rarely.

It would drive me bonkers if he constantly barked.

I have a theory. If they feel like they’re family and have their role in the pack, they’re chill as well as happier. They people that just keep them in the yard are basically excluding them from the pack and they bark.

I may be way off base, but that’s my theory.
Well, the folks in lockup were actually all pretty nice folks. A scrumptious pork brains & eggs breakfast, biscuits, released on my own "recognitions". I kid. I did drive the truck back there and give them a couple of long hoots last night. Got all worked up, I blame this thread, and Lou. Managed to not wake the wife, dogs would have been the least of my worries. Barking periodically this morning as I sit for a nice quiet coffee on the porch.

Being unfamiliar with the whole running deer with dogs thing I did a little youtubing. The sound of the dogs barking is music to their ears, they get all misty, the tradition, thinking about their forefathers. Watched some interview with a semi elderly guy talking about an incident where a property owner was getting tired of dogs running onto his property, shot two of some young guy's dogs, removed the tracking collars, buried them. The dogs, threw the tracking collars in his own trash can. I reckon a good shot hitting a moving target, but didn't have a whole lot going on upstairs to throw the tracking collars in his own trashcan rather than, I don't know, mail them off to doghanistan. Elderly guy being interviewed guy all weepy, "It was just horrible what he done. Just horrible what he done shooting them kids dogs". I'm not in favor of shooting dogs, but it's one thing if dogs roam onto someone else's property, another when they are set free to purposely run anywhere a deer leads them, repeatedly onto someone else's property. It's crazy, if a dog roams onto your property, attacks and injuries or kills your dog, it can be declared a vicious animal. Not the same with deer dogs, there's an exception in the laws. There are other absurd laws as well. The good news, if they run onto your property and kill your chickens, the dog owner has to reimburse you for the cost to replace your chickens, so there's that. I mean, I reckon until next time when animal control files no charges figuring being aware of your previous mistake you should have done a better job fencing in your chickens. I mean come on, you know theys dogs running out here.
btw, the dogs here are 2 each to 5x10 chain link cages. 4 side by side, a walk way, and another 3 side by side. 14 dogs in all. Behind a barn on their property, overlooking mine. Actually closer to my dwelling/structure than the neighbor's. Only an idiot or inconsiderate lowlife would fail to recognize it's going to be a problem to put them there to begin with.

"Bitch bitch bitch. They dogs, they bark!", she says.
Blame Lou!?! Dude...WTF?

One side of my personality says get one chicken and some wire cutters and a nice carbine and pick em off as they come thru the fence. The other side says get a Marshall stack set up back there.

Maybe it's the same side?
I think the way the laws are, you can't shoot a dog even if the dog is in the process of attacking & killing your chickens. I think livestock yeah, chickens no. I could be wrong. I guess I'm in agreement with that. I have 2 dogs, both raised in the city not free (by law) to roam. If either got loose, particularly the bigun, and saw a chicken....? I wouldn't want someone killing my dog(s) over a chicken.

Lowlife nextdoor has (trail) cameras back there, 3, right up nearly to the property line, one pointed directly across. The way I see it an invasion of my privacy. But in these times, doorbell cams, etc etc, it's a grey area as far as legality. However, my state is a one party consent state, one party engaged in verbal communication must consent to being recorded. If I'm on my property, engaged in a conversation and neither of us have consented to him recording that conversation, that's a felony. Maybe. It goes to reasonable expectation to privacy. Is it reasonable to expect privacy standing close to the property line and having a conversation? I could lure a sheriff's deputy over there, discuss the issue with the dog kennel, and then point out the cameras. Mention the law, pointing out neither of us have given consent. Of course at that point the deputy could say "I don't care if I'm being recorded", and he has just given consent. Either way I would somehow have to prove lowlife has the cam settings on to record audio. Isnt that nice, damn dogs barking across the property line, cams pointed across the property line, and lowlife tells me "don't worry about what goes on this side of the property line". F-ing twilight zone. She nextdoor presented a still photo of me in my backyard in court. "I mean, what is he doing back there? Back there with them dogs, smoking cigarettes." That's okay, I want them to say stupid shit like that, it gives the court an idea of the mentality I'm dealing with. I have every right to be back there, I have a right to use and enjoyment of my property. To suggest otherwise, that my mere presence provokes those dogs to raise hell, it is an assumption of rights to my property they do not possess. A denial of my right to peaceful enjoyment of my property.

Then again, some might say, it's all just belly aching and whining on my part. Twilight zone.

Above all, I'm going to play it straight. No deliberate provocation, no crossing the property line, etc. Any yelling for them to shut up, blowing of my truck horn, that is a response to the noise coming from that kennel. Let them go in court again and say that there was only two dogs barking until I yelled at them and caused all 14 to bark. They're dumb, two dogs raising hell is a violation of the ordinance. It's an admission of guilt.

Was just kidding, blame you. I try to tune the kennel noise out. When I don't tune it out, I see red. It's kind of like tinnitus, ringing in your ears. It's there, but you don't concentrate on it and live your life. But when it does grab your attention it'll drive you bat shit crazy.
I do not envy you Mick. Sucks out loud about covers it. I think eventually you will prevail or the idiots will move on. Unfortunately eventually can take a while. Where I live my fool of a dog goes to visit the neighbors and they give him shit. Toys, treats, pats. They like the little idiot. To be fair he is a friendly cuss.
I have a freind who moved from California to Kentucky because taxes and the cost of living are too high here and also "muh freedum." Great guy and he's right - taxes are way too high, everything is way too expensive, and state and local law leans towards the progressive.

Anyway, he gets this big ass spread and sends me pictures. He's got neighbors that burn trash in their yard, keep broken down cars and appliances out back and in front, and allow their mostly nude and filty kid (and dogs, and cats) to wander about. He's bitching because none of his neighbors seem to have any respect for themselves or anyone else.

I told him I reckon that's what freedom looks like.

In regard to you, Mick, I am sympathetic. But keep in mind that you could relocate to a place that won't allow the kind of nuisance you're enduring. It's not worth the frustration to wait out bad neighbors. They're not going to change, and the government isn't going to make them.
Living somewhere cheaper comes with a price.
I live in an ordinary but fairly nice area on the expensive south UK coast.
There are areas in the north (where I came from), where a house can be 1/10th of the price.
The trouble is that place is Crime/Drugs/Violence central.
I have a freind who moved from California to Kentucky because taxes and the cost of living are too high here and also "muh freedum." Great guy and he's right - taxes are way too high, everything is way too expensive, and state and local law leans towards the progressive.

Anyway, he gets this big ass spread and sends me pictures. He's got neighbors that burn trash in their yard, keep broken down cars and appliances out back and in front, and allow their mostly nude and filty kid (and dogs, and cats) to wander about. He's bitching because none of his neighbors seem to have any respect for themselves or anyone else.

I told him I reckon that's what freedom looks like.

In regard to you, Mick, I am sympathetic. But keep in mind that you could relocate to a place that won't allow the kind of nuisance you're enduring. It's not worth the frustration to wait out bad neighbors. They're not going to change, and the government isn't going to make them.

I empathize with your friend, he and I have similar thinking, motivations for moving out into the county, the country. I sit on my porch as we speak. All is quiet, mostly. Everything is in bloom, a fire. The cherry tree in the front yard is going to make it, awesome. The birds are chirping and flying about, mockingbird, cardinal, and dove jockeying for residency in a cedar tree by the drive. Grass will soon need mowing, should charge the battery in the mower. Should be burning vegetation n the garden, till and turn the soil in preparation, it's almost time to plant. Wife just got back from the big city getting her hair done. yelled around the corner there are bagworms starting in a tree that was nearly killed last year. The dogs are enjoying the enclosed side yard. They deserve it, took me longer than it should have to finally get that done. Trampas is getting on in age, probably won't be around for too many years, if that. Played guitar on the porch last night after getting home. Made up something, music & melody, I should have a small portable recorder to capture such things before they drift off into the ether. Neighbors back in the city all mentioned as we were moving they were going to miss that, me playing and singing on the porch. I love a good sit on the porch. Beers, cigs, bang on that box.

I'm mostly retired, I guess you could say. I do things (mostly) because I want to do them. Got a call from the folks where I dismantled that barn, salvaging the old lumber. Fun gig, llamas, goats, horses, cattle, a couple of Great Pyrenees to keep me and a mini sledge n crowbar company. Enjoyable gig, not the type you find back in the city. Pay not bad, a grand a day over 3. I made quick work of it. They need more work done on the farm, I have a feeling I'm going to be learning more about timber framing, jacking old barns, cutting out the rot and scabbing in new lumber. Should be fun, provided it doesn't all come down on me noggin, could be fatal.

My neighborhood, currently? A guy a few doors up operates I guess a side gig repairing automobiles, some hotrods. Lots of revving engines. Doesn't really bother me. Next house closer, an autistic child, random vocalizations, doesn't bother me. From the road I can see what appears to be netting like you might see around a trampoline. I'm thinking they put that child in there. That bothers me some, but who am I to say, it's none of my business. I assume the father of that child periodically loses his mind, the type of yelling where the next thing you expect to hear is a gunshot. Gets in his vehicle and peels out the gravel driveway. The guy is a nut. The guy across the street down off the road plays music from time to time. Stairway to Heaven, the live version, often. Doesn't really bother me. In fact for shits & giggles I played a version last evening while sitting on the porch. Hadn't played that in years, I'm good for years to come. Then there's jackass nextdoor with the 14 dogs. There are laws, I'll just have to keep playing the cards I have been dealt, plugging away at it. Maybe I'll be successful, maybe I won't. An outside consulting firm has been working with the board of supervisors modernizing current laws, completed and going into effect mid summer. We'll see.

Where am I going with this? Mostly thinking out loud. I will say, I've defended "country people" in the past. They're smarter than given credit. I'm not so sure about that anymore. I must say, with all the humble I can muster, there are a bunch of ignorant ass people out here. Fucking trash. I don't know, I reckon there are ignorant people everywhere/anywhere. But I didn't move out here to make friends, I moved out here for the lower taxes, "muh freedoms", the great outdoors. I still have those things, they are important to me. I may not always agree with it, but I obey the law(s), I expect others to do they same. If not, i'll force the issue, be it a sprint or a marathon. The Commonwealth Attorney appears to be available for an assist in taking out the trash nextdoor.

Oop, there goes the bluebirds, amazing the vibrancy of their color even over a considerable distance. I love it out here.
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So two years ago now and no more bitchin. Did ya shoot em? Only way to make them stop really. Not all that neighborly or nice but it is effective.
2.5 years now. I've learned to live with the barking, as annoying as it is. My daughter moved to Florida a couple months ago. She gave me her outdoor rock speakers that I can wire up to play a loop of roaring lions. LOL

But the situation here isn't nearly as bad as Mick's situation has been. It's his thread now.
2.5 years now. I've learned to live with the barking, as annoying as it is. My daughter moved to Florida a couple months ago. She gave me her outdoor rock speakers that I can wire up to play a loop of roaring lions. LOL

But the situation here isn't nearly as bad as Mick's situation has been. It's his thread now.

Nah, it's not my thread. Trying to deal with this situation believe me I've done some searching/reading on the net, other people's experience, what works, doesn't, successes and failures. It is not an uncommon problem. There's a lot of fail out there, people give up, little assist from the proper authorities who it is quite apparent do not want to get involved. There's a website, yeah, barking dogs dot com I think is the addy. Imagine that. Lots of frustrated and sad there, options & suggestions. There are a lot of inconsiderate dog owners out there.

Imma tell you what imma gonna do, considered it. Imma go to the doctor, get me some druuugs to deal with the stress caused by being hounded nearly every time I walk my property. I don't recall hearing it, but following being found guilty of lack of control the winch nextdoor whined to the judge, "Well what are we supposed to do?". I heard that part. What I don't recall was the judge's response, wife say he said "abate the problem", or something similar. They've done nothing, haven't even paid the little $50 fine. I'll sue their ass. Yeah, spend 10 grand to win an award of $800. :facepalm:

...but druuuugs, ftw.
The dreaded kookaburra.

A bit of trivia...

Men At Work band, there were some legalities involved with their Land Down Under song. It was too similar to the old "Kookaburra sitting in the old gum tree" song. They didn't have to give it back, but maybe had to share songwriting credits. Something like that.
A bit of trivia...

Men At Work band, there were some legalities involved with their Land Down Under song. It was too similar to the old "Kookaburra sitting in the old gum tree" song. They didn't have to give it back, but maybe had to share songwriting credits. Something like that.
Didn't know that. I love that tune. Used to bellow it out whilst camping in the mountains. "Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder? Better run, better take cover."
At least your barking dogs have owners.
The foxes round here howl all night with impunity and are impervious to laws, warnings or threats. They only used to yelp once a year.
The dogs are only barking for a reason. Why not find out the reason first?

Dowsing the dogs or doing anything to them won't solve a thing except possibly harm the dogs. The neighbour who possibly cares for no one else may be your
Well there is at least one reason. Strange been around and had dogs most of my life and never experienced dogs suddenly bark for nothing. Just me then.:unsure:
Buddy of mine had a big chocolate lab .( 110lbs) He would fart and turn around and bark at his asshole.