Recent content by zumdiggidy

  1. Z

    Listen to this!

    This is something I did with Cakewalk 8 Pro ..... I want an honest critique.... (I know the lyrics are kinda silly, it's just my two friends screwing around the day we graduated from High School....)
  2. Z

    what's 24/96 for?

    What's all this crap about recording with 24 bits and 96 khz? CD's are only 16-44. Why take up more HD recording space for unneccesary resolution. Do I need to upgrade from my 44khz 16 soundcard?
  3. Z


    I use cakewalk pro audio 9 for creativity, you can do anything.. but how do you make it sound "professional" I mixing wrong? compressing wrong? I can't make real stuff can Cakewalk achieve REAL sounding music? I spent enough... 'cmon computer guys!!!
  4. Z

    AT 3525, MArshall 2001 ????

    These are both decently priced.. THe Marshall looks much more solid, but reviews say it's noisier (20db).. The 3525 has a high input capacity (150) which is good for overcoming overloads..and lower noise than the Marshall... and lower sensitivity (3.9mv) (good for dorm recording??? Is the 3525...
  5. Z

    what's the difference?

    Iwas about to buy the C3000 for $199 but it's sold out! THey said the C3000B is made now, which is 130 bucks more expensive.... What's the difference? Is this "B" still not as good as a Rode Nt-1? or the Oktava ($279)?? help?!!! will my recordings for vocals with such mics sound good if I...
  6. Z

    Nt-1 or C3000or C1000?

    which of these micsis the best? c3000? nt-1? or c3000? I saw c3000 on sale for $199? is it worth it? It really has an internal shock mount? can t record "pro" sounding vocals? Attach to a Hootersound B-1? (for hd recording)? Is that as good as the cheap Joe Meeks? Can the hootersound make it...
  7. Z

    the SHAPE

    I noticed most nice condenser mics come in that inconveinient shape (Nt-1, C3000, ect..)do they come with something that can mount them on a regular mic stand? Do I need that rubber band shock spider thing? Is this nt-1 better than say, the sure sm87? Nt-1 vs c3000? thanks
  8. Z

    which mic for dorm studio?

    I'm doing Cakewalk HD recording in my dorm room, which is not exactly sound-proof. I'm trying to record very nice quality vocals. People say I need more than a sm58. All the beter mics seem to have supercardiod patterns. Woudn't that pick up noise from the rear and sides that are unwanted? Why...
  9. Z

    which one to get?

    I run Cakewalk Pro Audio 9 can I achieve studio quality results with a sm58? is the beta that much better ? do I need a cheap condenser mic to sound good? the c1000, c3000? which one? Should I compress the vocals before they go into the computer? thanks
  10. Z

    a better way for CD writing

    Since you can "digitally extract" CD audio from a CD to copy it, can't you "digitally extract" the data from a Cakewalk file instead of mixing down to a WAV file which eats quality (or doesn't it) Am I mixing to WAV correctly? Shoudn't it be a digital process that can take less time thatn the...
  11. Z

    THE best words about Cakewalk 9 HELP!

    EVERYONE HELP! THESE REPLIES WILL HELP EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have an Athlon 500, 128, and 27 gigs (7200) SoundBlaster Live! I bought this for Cakewalking Can I make REAL sounding recordings or not? My stuff doesn't sound "real". Do these software plugins really work? Which ones do...