Recent content by Kelly Holdridge

  1. Kelly Holdridge

    Emeric, FORGIVE ME!!!

    Ooops. Sorry, 'migo! All the same... THANK YOU! (critique it all you want; not gonna change it except maybe to put out the version I had before this, in which I forgot tons of folks. that's what you're hearing in the background, btw). Thank You! :D
  2. Kelly Holdridge

    Johnson JB-080 Banjo... need reviews/opinions if you got 'em!

    My boss is thinking about buying a Johnson JB-080 at an apparent good price ($179, has found other sites saying $249 and $329 still at discount), and asked me to find reviews about it. There's no mention of it here (or the search function is screwed at the moment), so can anyone comment on this...
  3. Kelly Holdridge

    Ah, shit...

    Figured it out. I'm a dumbass. Thank you all for your help, it was pretty much EXACTLY what I needed (other than a new head). Holy moly, it was so easy. I'll try and get some stuff up soon. Damn I'm an idiot. :rolleyes:
  4. Kelly Holdridge

    Anyone use the Digi001? How are the preamps? Use outside of ProTools? Etc...

    New guy at work is an HR need-to-be (does great work and loves to help others). He's upgrading from his Digi001 (maybe) and is considering selling it. I'm interested in buying it, IF... 1) The pre's are strong and clean. 2) There are few hassles with using it outside of ProTools (LE or not)...
  5. Kelly Holdridge

    My POD is a smoke-blowing maracca now...

    Big sale with PODs. Whoopee, get one, find out it's fun for about two hours and then reveals itself as just another pedal. So we start using it as a harmonica pre-amp (we're live for the most part), and it works really well. Until I plug it in for an outdoor show without knowing Heather had...
  6. Kelly Holdridge

    Complete Re-Install. Need SB Live! OEM drivers. Anyone?

    Yup, starting from scratch. However, as anyone who has a SoundBlaster Live! OEM card may know, the OEM drivers are non-existent. Does anyone still have their Live! OEM drivers (on CD)? They HAVE to be the OEM version drivers. Thanks! (sorry for being away for a while, took longer than I...
  7. Kelly Holdridge


    Just dusting. Thought I had to sneeze there, turned into a yawn. I hate that.
  8. Kelly Holdridge

    What's up with the arbitrary levels in MP3 encoders?

    Anybody notice this? You d/l a song, run it through a player (WinAmp, here), and it's either off the meter completely or doesn't show up at all? I'm not talking about the WAV issue of WinAmp, but rather the somewhat "arbitrary" level that encoders seem to use (or the arbitrary level folks use...
  9. Kelly Holdridge

    Wanna hear John Sayers' new studio? Here's the link (auzzie bastard)... :D
  10. Kelly Holdridge

    Drunk, pissed, tired... Wow, it WORKS! (only up for a week or so, get it now...)

    Heya, guys... I haven't been around in a while, or at least not really posting, but if it's all the same to y'all, take a gander at this last ditty we recorded towards the middle of March... The song is "Find My Way" (5.0 meg), and it was slapped together by Danny and...
  11. Kelly Holdridge

    Oh, ya'll might like this... Improvisational Blues Harp... (no, REALLY!)

    Todd Emerson is our harmonicist in the band, he's always comin' up with crazy stuff... so I've started putting "secret" mics on his amp, and caught this gem during practice a while back (mid february). It's called "Checkin' Like a Mofo," a live 2-track (58's) w/ snippets about each person that...
  12. Kelly Holdridge

    New bass strings are WAAAY too bright...

    I had money burnin' a hole in my pocket and bought new stings for my bass. Now it sounds like SHIT, all buzzy and bright and such, I USED to have that fretless jazz bass sound, now I'm EQing my rig to kill the squeaks and high-end... What did I do wrong? Was it the type of metal in the...
  13. Kelly Holdridge

    LINKS LINKS LINKS Audio LINKS LINKS LINKS Just about any link you could ask for, right here. Holy moly, if anybody has the time to go through those, then... well, you've got a LOT of time... :D
  14. Kelly Holdridge

    Dammit, I need a Laptop but there's this ONE LITTLE DETAIL...

    You know what it is. Anyone hear of a multi-input soundcard for a laptop? Anyone? I know we did this a while back, but things change, and I'd rather blow $4,000 on a laptop than one of these new 24 trackers... So let's have 'em. I certainly don't have a clue (you'd think the VAIO would...
  15. Kelly Holdridge

    Yamaha NS-10 "tissue paper" phenomenon... fixing the speakers we love to hate... Yup. That's about it. See, and sonusman missed out... :(