Recent content by JamesZhan

  1. JamesZhan

    REAPER hack: how to add plugins with your own preset to tracks by ONE click

    Hi guys, I accidentally learned this track and it's actually not that widely-known yet because I know quite a few professionals who have been using REAPER for years that didn't know the function until they saw this video. So I guess I would share it here!
  2. JamesZhan

    BIAS vs Pod Farm vs Peavy ReValver4 vs TSE x50

    Hi guys, I already have Pod Farm 2.5 Platinum, and I have some money left (around CAD$200). So torn among BIAS Professional, Peavy ReValver4 and TSE x50 :facepalm: I don't djent; my main focuses are metalcore and death metal. I could also buy Joey Sturgis's Producer Bundle. Since TSE x50...