Recent content by goodstudios

  1. G

    Over and over again

    Last week I was trying to figure out if I had bitten off more than I could chew.... but my bride and fellow musicians were counting on me to not only mix our tracts but to master them as well..... I couldn't get the vocals right... I was at a loss .... that's when I started reading and browsing...
  2. G

    Put yur ear on this

    Thanks to some fine folks on this forum, I'm finally getting happy with our mixdown/master.... check it out at Good4U Music, Lyrics, Songs, and Videos Just added Ambience Reverb to "There Will Come a Day"...... so much better now.
  3. G


    Ok... so I should rename this thread to say something like, "Being stuck with VST plug-ins isn't all that bad if it's the right one" or..... it could read, "VST Plug-ins are a lot like marriage, it can be really good if it's the right one"!!!! Thanks for the help Armistice!!! After several...
  4. G

    Am i stuck with vst plug-ins?

    recently expanded my studio to allow our group to get and do some work. I'm not happy with the vocals... let me say, it's not the vocalists fault... my bride is off the charts... anyway, (you can check out some of our stuff at reverb nation... just look for "Good4U" Now on with my delima.... I...