Recent content by chava

  1. C

    Room acoustics: to measure or not to measure?

    Okay here's the deal, I made a promise to myself not to make any music in my room until I treated it. So I was familiarizing myself with what I needed and I came across a post somewhere warning of the folly of doing acoustic treatment without measuring the acoustics of the room first to know...
  2. C

    Using hardware compressor with an audio interface??

    To my understanding, a hardware compressor should fall in-between the pre and converter in a recording signal chain in that order (pre-->compressor-->converter). True? So how exactly do you incorporate a compressor in a signal chain that has an audio interface which does not give you the luxury...
  3. C

    Ground lifting, just how "dangerous" is it?

    I am having a grounding noise problem with my motif ES Keyboard going into an apogee duet that just won't go away. I have tried different remedies and now I am considering what many consider the last resort; getting a three to two prong grounding adapter. I know many people use them (otherwise...
  4. C

    Bass question...

    What do you guys think about the bass in this track and specifically how it was achieved?
  5. C

    What was done to these vocals?

    Okay I know the seasoned guys in this forum really despise the whole "auto-tune" trend that's dominated the pop scene in recent times. Either way I'm curious to know how exactly some of these effects were/are achieved in case a "client" demands to have it (which will probably be half the time...
  6. C

    font size.

    Hi Guys...I just joined the logic-using community this week and I was wondering if there is any way to make the text in logic larger. The default size is a bit too small for the comfort of my eyes. Thanks.
  7. C

    Anything I need to know before taking the plunge?

    I am getting ready to DUMP (get rid of) my $200 audio interface and replace it with a $3000 signal chain right from the mic to the box (budget does not include the computer). I will be primarily buying used from ebay to squeeze more quality out of my dollar. I have done a LOT of research around...
  8. C

    Is this a "normal" practice?

    Hi guys, I record mainly vocals and in my DAW, I ALWAYS apply noise-reduction and noise-gate to the vocals before applying compression (yes, ALWAYS...even when it's arguably unnecessary, I will do it as a formality just so I can sleep at night). I do this because I feel that compressing without...
  9. C

    Color scheme.

    Hey guys... Random thought: What color scheme would you go with for your studio walls and why? I'm getting ready to paint my just-converted garage, soon-to-be studio-for-business. thanks.