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  • firewire access and Dell
    I have a Studio 1535 Dell laptop. I have had consistent problems getting a good fidelity hook up via my ADS Pyro 13942 PCI express card. Has anyone had this problem? If so what is the fix. My next attempt is to try the Star Tech EC 13942 PCI card to see if this fixes the problem. I've just purchased the Steinberg MR816 CSX. Sound quality is fab, but the dropouts are the problem. Thanks for any input.
    How to eliminate clicks and pops. Hello, I am a new user. I use 2 large diaphragm condenser mikes through my Aphex 207 tube pre and into LINE IN 3/4 in back of the Firebox 6x8. I keep my levels just at the top of the red in the Aphex and have adjusted my levels in Cubase essential 4. I've turned off all the suggestd internet connects/firewall soundcard etc. I have a dual core processor running at 2+ Ghz. Any suggestions? Thanks so much
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